Current and Upcoming Events
750 Euro
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Erlang’s basic features are a perfect match for massively concurrent, distributed cloud environments. Being rooted in an actor model with no shared memory, the complexity of multi-core programming is hidden from the developers, allowing them to focus on th...
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
You will have one whole day to find out what makes Erlang such an effective tool for innovation. Discover how companies solved real-world challenges with Erlang and learn from language experts.
What you'll learn:
What makes Erlang unique among other gen...
Past Online Events
850 USD
Jun 10-12, 2013
After much anticipation, we’re thrilled to announce the fourth annual Scala Days will be held this year in New York at The Hudson Theater on June 10th-12th.
One API to rule them all | |||
api Go to site |
Scala.js: write in Scala for the browser | |||
scala javascript Go to site |
Scala Puzzlers Reloaded | |||
scala puzzlers Go to site |
Slick vs. ORM | |||
orm slick Go to site |
Designing for performance | |||
scala Go to site |
Deciphering Maya Hieroglyphic Writing with Scala | |||
scala language Go to site |
Actor Based Asynchronous IO in Akka | |||
akka io Go to site |
Spark Streaming: Fast Distributed Stream Processing with a High-Level API | |||
spark Go to site |
Expanding eta-expansion: shapeless polymorphic function values meet macros | |||
flatmap hlists Go to site |
Scala Async: A New Way to Simplify Asynchronous Code (Make the Compiler Do It!) | |||
scala java Go to site |
On Pickles and Spores: Improving Scala's Support for Distributed Programming | |||
spores pickles Go to site |
Using Spring in Scala | |||
scala spring Go to site |
Taming the Cake Pattern with Type Macros | |||
macros pattern Go to site |
Scala Developer Tools in IntelliJ IDEA: SBT, Play and Scalate | |||
scalate sbt play intellij Go to site |
Fun Programming in Scala: Games, Algorithms, and Apps | |||
games algorithms apps Go to site |
Half a Year in Macro Paradise | |||
Go to site |
Scala IDE: Present & Future | |||
scala Go to site |
How Scala and Akka helped build Sirius at Comcast's Interactive Media division | |||
scala akka Go to site |
Keynote - Scala in 2018 | |||
scala keynote Go to site |
Realtime Web, The Urge for a Programming Model | |||
web Go to site |
Lenses: Fields as Values | |||
lenses Go to site |
Akka in Heterogenous Environments | |||
scala akka rabbitmq opencv boost Go to site |
Project Lancet: Surgical Precision JIT compilers | |||
lancet jit Go to site |
Practical type mining in Scala | |||
scala api Go to site |
Scala for Data Pipelines | |||
scala scoobi scalding scrunch Go to site |
Bring Your Own Laptop | |||
play Go to site |
Versal: A Scala-backed Startup | |||
scala javascript startup Go to site |
The Spark Stack: Fast and Expressive Big Data Analytics in Scala | |||
scala hadoop big data Go to site |
Confessions of a Ruby Developer Whose Heart Was Stolen by Scala | |||
scala akka ruby play rails Go to site |
Real-World Akka Recipes | |||
akka Go to site |
High Performance Cluster Computing with Delite | |||
delite cluster computing cpus Go to site |
Simple API Design, Lessons Learned | |||
functional api Go to site |
Building a Line of Business Application with Play, Scala, and Akka | |||
scala akka play Go to site |
Scalable and Flexible Machine Learning With Scala | |||
scala Go to site |
Concurrency – The good, the bad, the ugly | |||
concurrency Go to site |
Scala in Action | |||
scala Go to site |
Lift 3 and client side JavaScript frameworks | |||
backbone knockout javascript frameworks angularjs Go to site |
Building Scalable, Highly Concurrent and Fault-Tolerant Systems: Lessons Learned | |||
cloud computing big data systems Go to site |
Effective SBT | |||
akka sbt Go to site |
A Walk Down the Beach, How Kiama Helps Implementing Distributed Collections on Top of Hadoop | |||
scala hadoop big data kiama scoobi Go to site |
Keynote - Scala with Style | |||
scala Go to site |
150 GBP
May 29-31, 2013
The Progressive .NET Tutorials returns to Skills Matter after the successful conference in May 2012.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
In this session, Yan will share some of his experiences of building a successful MMORPG for a social audience and insights into some of the technical challenges that his team has had to overcome along the way.
390 USD
May 2-3, 2013
The Progressive F# Tutorials bring together the leading experts in F# to deliver a range of talks,4 hour intensive hands-on tutorials and discussions.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
In this talk, we'll go over the fundamental concepts of F#, and functional programming in general; you'll get up to speed on the benefits and use cases of F#; and become familiarized with the language features, syntax, and constructs through a few simple e...
Thursday, April 4, 2013
It is often claimed that functional languages are ideal for building static analysis applications. However, most applications are on small academic languages. In this document we test the claim on a real-world language, C/AL, which is the language used for...
Apr 4, 2013
CukeUp! 2013
Testing realtime-web apps with Cucumber.js | |||
testing Watch |
Melanie Diepenbeck & Mathias Soeken on Towards Automatic Scenario Generation Based on Uncovered Code | |||
bdd Watch |
Don't you trust me? (a technical approach to building trust and consensus) | |||
cucumber Watch |
One Testing Story from JetBrains | |||
jetbrains rubymine intellij Watch |
Cross-platform and End-To-End BDD for Mobile | |||
mobile bdd calabash Watch |
creating data with the test data builder pattern | |||
data jvm Watch |
The Impersonator Pattern | |||
pattern Watch |
developing and testing facebook apps | |||
facebook Watch |
Cucumber.js or BDD in the JavaScript | |||
javascript Watch |
cuke envy - a .NET programmers attempt to catch up | |||
.net Watch |
Why your step definitions should be one-liners and other pro tips | |||
cucumber Watch |
Examples, Examples, Examples | |||
bdd Watch |
Working in the Cucumber World | |||
cucumber Watch |
Productive testing with Cucumber and JetBrains IDEs | |||
cucumber jetbrains Watch |
Keynote: The Cucumber Ecosystem | |||
keynote Watch |
Mar 15, 2013
Skills Matter is pleased to announce the Fourth Functional Programming eXchange our annual conference on the functional programming paradigm, practices, technologies and ideas.
Functional Data Storage | |||
functional data Watch |
Developing with F# in the Cloud | |||
f# cloud Watch |
Elnode: the evented IO web server | |||
elnode emacslisp Watch |
Comparing Scala and Clojure | |||
scala clojure Watch |
LexiFi: describing financial contracts and extending OCaml | |||
ocaml lexifi Watch |
F# in the open source world | |||
f# Watch |
Reducing cognitive bias in design with Scala | |||
scala Watch |
Across Time and Address Space: Lift 3.0 | |||
scala lift Watch |
Adventures with types | |||
haskell Watch |
Thursday, March 7, 2013
This talk will look at F# as a testing language. We'll look at F# specific language features, like backtick methods and object expressions, plus libraries like FsUnit and Foq.
Monday, February 18, 2013
F# Eye for the C# guy
This talk is for C# programmers who are curious about F#, a new multi-paradigm programming language in Visual Studio.
In: test driven development, classes and functions
Out: maths, monads and moth-eaten jumpers
Expect plenty of prac...
Jan 24, 2013
Bringing together developers and fans of the Ouya console in the UK. This meetup group aims to get developers and fans of Ouya together.
Jan 24, 2013
F#unctional Londoners aims to bring together Londoners with an interest in functional programming with F#.
Jan 22, 2013
This group is open to anyone who is interested in Agile, Lean etc.
This is not a group for overly religious Agile evangelists. The goal is simply to hold regular meetings, with small numbers, so that we can learn from each other and improve.
Jan 22, 2013
Functional programming techniques are becoming increasingly important in data-centric programming.
Panel | |||
functional Watch |
Streaming Big Data with Self-Adjusting Computation | |||
bigdata Watch |
Visualizing Data in the Web | |||
f# web data Watch |
TryF#—Type Providers in Your Browser | |||
f# Watch |
Incompleteness-Aware Programming with RDF Data | |||
rdf Watch |
Themes in Information-Rich Functional Programming for Internet-Scale Data Sources | |||
functional internet Watch |
Algebraic Data Types for Language-Integrated Queries | |||
algebraic data queries Watch |
Keynote | |||
keynote query Watch |
Welcome | |||
research microsoft Watch |
Jan 21, 2013
The Groovy & Grails UG aims to meet once every month or so, providing an opportunity for Groovy & Grails experts, programmers and enthusiasts to learn, meet and discuss.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
With the advent of cloud platforms and private data centers, developers face once more the challenges of distributed computing in their effort to harness the available computing power. Concurrency, message passing, elasticity and machine failure are now co...
Dec 6, 2012
Early announcement: the Second Annual Clojure eXchange, led by Bruce Durling has been scheduled for December 6th 2012 at Skills Matter. Follow #clojurex for programme updates or to send us your ideas!
Impromptu Rich Hickey Lightning Talk | |||
clojure Watch |
The Language of the System | |||
language Watch |
The Persistent Data Structure Menagerie | |||
data Watch |
Building Musical Performance Systems in Clojure | |||
clojure music Watch |
Playing Nice | |||
clojure Watch |
Building a Clojure Google+ Client Library | |||
library google+ Watch |
API design with protocols – techniques, trade-offs | |||
api Watch |
Reviving the uSwitch Back Office with Clojure | |||
uswitch Watch |
Ciao! Learning a foreign language the Clojure core.logic way... | |||
core.logic Watch |
A Walking Tour of Clojure's History* | |||
clojure history Watch |
A Practical Tour of Clojure Web Development | |||
web clojure Watch |
The Refined Clojurist | |||
clojure clp Watch |
Live Programming with Clojure | |||
clojure Watch |
Clojure eXchange | |||
clojure exchange Go to site |
666 GBP
Dec 4-6, 2012
The Alternative Programming Conference
The New Face of Cassandra | |||
cassandra Go to site |
vert.x - Polyglot Asynchronous Application Development for the Modern Web | |||
vertx Go to site |
"I am for the Web - Massive IM Scalability using WebSockets" | |||
web Go to site |
The Properties of Riak | |||
riak Go to site |
How F# Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Data" | |||
f# data Go to site |
"Real-world scaling with Scala & Akka" | |||
scala akka Go to site |
You are not Alone - Scaling Multiplayer Games for the Web | |||
games Go to site |
"Up up and Out: Scaling software with Akka" | |||
akka Go to site |
A Little Graph Theory for the Busy Developer | |||
graphs Go to site |
From Java to Erlang Thinking | |||
erlang java Go to site |
"The Disruptor, Now, Next and the Future" | |||
disruptor Go to site |
"Social Architecture 101" | |||
gaming media Go to site |
Implementing Riak: Benefits and Challenges | |||
riak Go to site |
ClojureScript: The Essence of Alchemy" | |||
clojurescript Go to site |
"The Actor Model applied to the Raspberry Pi and the Embedded Domain" | |||
actor Go to site |
"Go Do: solving Real Problems correctly with Go" | |||
go Go to site |
The Database as a Value | |||
database Go to site |
Pragmatism, Puritanism and Functional Programming | |||
functional puritanism pragmatism Go to site |
"Multi-core with less Pain: Deterministic Parallel Programming with Haskell" | |||
haskell Go to site |
Next Top Data Model | |||
data Go to site |
"Erlang and OpenFlow: A Match Made in the Cloud!" | |||
cloud erlang Go to site |
"Gaming: How to deal with too much Success" | |||
gaming Go to site |
Keynote: 183 Years of Programming | |||
keynote Go to site |
Living in a Polyglot World: Ruby on the Client, Erlang on the Server | |||
erlang ruby Go to site |
Developing and Integrating WebSharper applications with Facebook | |||
websharper f# mobile facebook Go to site |
"Faith, Evolution, and Programming Languages: from Haskell to Java" | |||
haskell java Go to site |
Keynote: Haskell: Practical as well as Cool | |||
keynote haskell Go to site |
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
The functional programming language Erlang is battle-tested, open-source, and runs great on Windows, Mac and Linux (both Intel and ARM). What makes it so different from other languages (including functional ones)? How does Erlang solve hard problems that o...
Nov 28, 2012
Skills Matter are delighted to announce the second annual NOSQL eXchange, a 1-day conference packed with the latest ideas and best practices in NOSQL technologies, including Neo4J, RIAK,Cassandra and MongoDB!
Park Bench Discussion | |||
#nosqlx Watch |
Advanced RavenDB | |||
ravendb Watch |
Putting the X Factor into Cassandra | |||
cassandra Watch |
riak | |||
riak Watch |
Accenture Delivers with Neo4j | |||
neo4j Go to site |
Scaling for Humongous amounts of data with MongoDB | |||
mongodb Watch | - Our Age of Enlightenment | |||
clojure mongodb ruby cascalog kafka Watch |
NOSQL at the Crossroads | |||
nosql Watch |
Nov 27, 2012
The purpose of London Titanium is to support developers, designers, and Titanium Platform users in general, with product knowledge, skills, and networking opportunities. Using JavaScript learn how to build hybrid native mobile and mobile web apps.
125 GBP
Nov 23, 2012
Join us for the next Agile Testing & BDD eXchange on November 23 2012. Be part of an intensive day of deep technical insight and friendly discussion to learn, adopt and share new innovative ideas, tools and practices for enterprise software development.
150 GBP
Nov 19-20, 2012
The Scala eXchange comes in the wake of Scala Days in April - 350+ attendees, 60+ presentations, and the lovebus! - For now, we can reveal that Martin Odersky, creator of Scala, will return to Skills Matter to deliver a Keynote!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Join Phil Trelford and Tomas Petricek as they discuss their efforts to establish the F# Foundation to demonstrate and promote the use of F# across platforms.
Nov 6-7, 2012
CodeKen 2012 is a two day conference for developers with a passion for new technology. We bring together an eclectic range of talks covering new technologies, languages and techniques. Our goal is to inspire developers and celebrate software development.
Real-time analytics with Apache Cassandra | |||
cassandra apache Go to site |
(Big) Data Science use cases at | |||
data salesforce Go to site |
Prototyping, Iterating, Rebuilding government | |||
prototyping rebuilding iterating Go to site |
High Performance Asynchronous Event Sourcing (using Scala, Akka and MongoDB) | |||
scala akka mongodb Go to site |
Clojure Punk | |||
clojure Go to site |
Code Club | |||
code Go to site |
Apprenticeship patterns and developer experience | |||
patterns Go to site |
100 Year Architecture; how the battle for the web was lost and won | |||
architecture Go to site |
Mobile: Don't Break the Web | |||
mobile Go to site |
Conference opening | |||
Go to site |
PixelPhones | |||
phones Watch |
250 GBP
Nov 1-2, 2012
F#functional Londoners aims to bring together Londoners with an interest in functional programming with F#.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Many of the features provided by F# lend themselves well to web development. With the recent announcement of the F# Tools for Visual Studio Express 2012 for the Web, there has never been a better time to get started building web applications with F# doing ...
Oct 25-26, 2012
Droidcon London is back for another jam-packed two day conference.
2 Days // 30 Speakers
1000 + Participants
100% Android
Developing for Android on 2.x/3.x/4.x | |||
android developing Watch |
Memory Analyzer: avoiding memory leaks | |||
leaks memory Watch |
Deep Dive into Android Custom Components | |||
android components Watch |
Introduction to Developing for Google TV | |||
developing googletv Watch |
The fly-in app menu for designer and developer | |||
app flyin Watch |
Open Graph – from zero to hero in 60 minutes | |||
graph Watch |
Writing games for an Android video games console… | |||
games writing Watch |
The Fragment Transition | |||
transition Watch |
229 GBP
Oct 25-26, 2012
FP Days is an event for the Functional Programming community in the UK and around the world.
Oct 10, 2012
Skills Matter is proud to announce the first annual Haskell eXchange. This fast paced day will bring together some of the leading experts in Haskell providing a range of talks and discussions.
Oct 2, 2012
We are people who live in London and are interested in programming in Clojure.
Currently our main activity is a monthly dojo where we help one another to learn Clojure and provide a chance to code that our day jobs may not allow.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
In this talk, the F# 3.0 new feature type provider are introduced.
Sep 20-21, 2012
Skills matter is delighted to announce DeNormalised NOSQL, a two-day conference packed with talks and exchanges with experts of NOSQL solutions such as Neo4J, Cassandra, and MongoDB.
Hands on with MongoDB | |||
mongodb Go to site |
Real-time analytics on the Twitter Firehose with Apache Cassandra | |||
cassandra apache Go to site |
Deep dive into MongoDB | |||
mongodb Watch |
Fluid Data: The value of a graph database in evolving systems. | |||
data fluid Go to site |
Giving Cassandra the X Factor - how Cassandra lets us deliver real-time interaction | |||
cassandra xfactor Watch |
Apache Cassandra: a tunably consistent, highly-availble, distributed database | |||
cassandra apache Watch |
Neo4j the graph database: rich and connected data in the NOSQL world | |||
neo4j Go to site |
Sep 13-15, 2012
Functional programming has been at the forefront of a new generation of programming technologies: Companies employing functional programming use it to enable more effective, robust, and flexible software development.
Using F# to Prove Stabilization of Biological Networks | |||
f# bma Watch |
Developing an F# Bioinformatics Application with HTML5 Visualization | |||
f# html5 bioinformatics Watch |
Haskell for XenClient | |||
haskell xenclient citrix Watch |
Jane Street Status Report | |||
ocaml Watch |
Adopting Functional Programming | |||
functional trifork Watch |
Sep 6, 2012
Participation in London Lua is open to everyone, whether a beginner or experienced, about all aspects of Lua, whether for scripting, games, mobile, web, embedded or other uses, the whole range of uses.
50 EUR
Aug 31-Sep 2, 2012
Microsoft Community Osijek together with Microsoft Croatia with support from INETA, Hupro, MIC Varaždin and Mreža are organizing the regional community conference KulenDayz 2012.
GPdotNET | |||
development gpdotnet Go to site |
Expert F# | |||
f# Go to site |
Kinect Programming | |||
programming kinect Go to site |
Parallel Programming | |||
programming chalk & talk Go to site |
Windows Phone 8 - Development | |||
development phone8 windows Go to site |
Building Metro style apps using JS, HTML & CSS | |||
css html metro style js Go to site |
SCVMM 2012 i App Ctrl 2012 | |||
private cloud scvmm Go to site |
Office 365 | |||
365 office Go to site |
VS + Specflow: Behaviour Driven Development | |||
project managment specflow vs Go to site |
Contracts in Windows 8 | |||
windows8 Go to site |
Win8 Dev/Async | |||
async win8 Go to site |
SQL Server 2012 Statistical Semantic Search | |||
database sql Go to site |
Keynote | |||
keynote Go to site |
Aug 30, 2012
F#unctional Londoners aims to bring together Londoners with an interest in functional programming with F#.
Topics include:
Essentials of functional programming and F#
Assessing what kind of projects F# is well suited for - or not
Aug 29, 2012
Developers interested in learning about and working with graph databases for social, spatial, hierarchical or other highly connected data sets.We host hands-on lab sessions, technology reviews, topical lectures, and plenty of social nights.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
The HTTP protocol is inherently functional. It's simple, stateless interface taking a request and returning a response should be quite familiar to functional programmers. In this series, we'll investigate the benefits of taking a functional approach to bui...
Aug 7, 2012
We are people who live in London and are interested in programming in Clojure.
Currently our main activity is a monthly dojo where we help one another to learn Clojure and provide a chance to code that our day jobs may not allow.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Computation expressions underpin many useful formalisms such as sequence expressions or asynchronous computations. Even query expressions, introduced in F# 3.0, are also a type of computation expression. In this talk, we will overview computation expressio...
Jun 25, 2012
The format is straight forward: we start with ten lightning sessions where the developer team and/or CTO of each company can pitch their software project and open position for 5 minutes.
2195 USD
Jun 18-20, 2012
Software is changing the world; QCon aims to empower software development by facilitating the spread of knowledge and innovation in the enterprise software development community; to achieve this.
Restful Java Evolves | |||
java Go to site |
Storm: Distributed and Fault-Tolerant Realtime Computation | |||
paradigms Go to site |
Highly Connected Data in NOSQL Databases | |||
nosql Go to site |
Extreme Performance with Java | |||
java Go to site |
Four Strategies for Recovering the Ability to Design When Surrounded by Messy Legacy | |||
software recovering Go to site |
Tuesday's Introduction | |||
introduction Go to site |
Keynote: From Crap to App | |||
app crap Go to site |
Real-Time Delivery Architecture at Twitter | |||
twitter Go to site |
Conference Intro and Track Introduction | |||
track intro Go to site |
Keynote: MythBusters 2.0 - Mission Critical Cloud Computing @ NASA" | |||
cloud nasa Go to site |
Monday, June 18, 2012
@FSUG presents Mathias Brandewinder on Bumblebee.
Bumblebee is an Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm developed in F# and hosted on CodePlex. Please Retweet:
“The algorithm in action: Traveling Sal...
Jun 15, 2012
Now in its 4th year, the DDD Exchange has become one of the focal points of the DDD community. Each year, DDD thought leaders come together with 125 practitioners and enthusiasts for a truly interactive session where we delve into the tricky questions.
50 GBP
Jun 13, 2012
With Windows 8 comes Windows Runtime (WinRT), the new programming model for Windows. But what does it mean to .NET developers?
Jun 12, 2012
The LJC currently has circa 2000 members. It was founded by Barry Cranford of RecWorks Ltd. The LJC is organised and run by Barry Cranford, Martijn Verburg and Ben Evans along with a committee of passionate Java enthusiasts.
Jun 6, 2012
525 USD
Jun 5-6, 2012
Join us for this 2-day, 2-track F# event, packed with hands-on tutorials covering the latest developments in the fast moving world of F# Programming. Whether new to F# or seasoned veteran, be ready for an action packed two day adventure.
Mystery coding contest | |||
f# coding mystery contest Go to site |
Domain-specific languages in F# | |||
f# dsls Go to site |
Beginners Track - F# code katas | |||
f# katas code Go to site |
Adv track - numerical computing | |||
f# computing numerical Go to site |
Beginners Track - The F# Koans: An Interactive Way to Learn F# Through Testing | |||
f# koans Go to site |
Advanced Track - Type Providers | |||
f# type providers Go to site |
Being Successful with Functional-first Techniques in Finance | |||
f# keynote Go to site |
May 29-31, 2012
The Progressive.NET Tutorials are a deep-dive,the antidote to the traditional conference format where speakers have too little time to explain complex ideas or provide any depth of understanding.
Introduction to RavenDB | |||
.net ravendb Go to site |
Messaging - It's not just about Large Scale Integration | |||
messaging Watch |
html5 | |||
.net html Go to site |
Security and Identity in the .NET World | |||
.net identity security Go to site |
End to End Javascript | |||
javascript end Go to site | Automated Acceptance Testing | |||
testing Go to site |
Introduction to Simple.Web | |||
tdd simple.web Watch |
Messaging 101 | |||
messaging Go to site |
Metro-style Apps for .NET Developers | |||
.net apps metro-style Go to site |
Async and C#5 - An Advance Screening | |||
async c# screening Watch |
Deliberate Discovery,Cynefin and Real Options | |||
cynefin Watch |
Practical Functional-first Programming with F# | |||
f# practical functional Watch |
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Since F# became a first class language in Visual Studio 2010, it has been gaining popularity amount the industry and academic communities. In this talk, we will first look at the F# value propositions through a set of interesting demos. We’ll also take a l...
May 14, 2012
Tonight we have two talks, Phil Trelford on F# for Commodities Trading and Tomas Petricek on F# for Finance.
May 3-4, 2012
Skills Matter is pleased to announce the First Progressive Java Tutorials, the annual Java conference offering a unique blend of product and experience mixed, and tempered with theory and practice.
CyberDojo | |||
cyberdojo Watch |
Future Scala Futures | |||
scala sip Watch |
Connecting to Neo4j using Spring Data | |||
neo4j spring data Watch |
Full Stack Java EE | |||
orm javaee jsf jpa Watch |
Exploring enterprise Java outside of Java EE | |||
enterprise java javaee Watch |
A Programmatic Introduction to Neo4j | |||
neo4j Watch |
Moving Beyond Objects (Part 2) | |||
web semantic Watch |
Polyglot applications in Java and Spring | |||
java polyglot spring Watch |
Moving Beyond Objects | |||
rest code beyond Watch |
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Some of you may remember the crash of the $125 Million Mars Climate Orbiter in September of 1999. Later review revealed that the Orbiter crashed because of a simple and avoidable problem. One team of software developers assumed English units for their me...
Mar 22, 2012
This month, the F#unctional Londoners Meetup Group presents Adam Mlocek on GPU enabled F# numerics, followed by a set of lightning talks on F# related topics.
195 GBP
Mar 16, 2012
Join Robert Pickering, David Pollak, Erik Hesselink, Loic Denuziere, Kevin Wright, Andres Löh, Tomas Petricek, Miles Sabin, Bruce Durling, and some 100 others passionate about Functional Programming.
Clojure and Incanter for the Professional Programmer | |||
functional clojure incanter Go to site |
F#'s Type Providers In Depth | |||
f# functional type providers Go to site |
Haskell for embedded domain-specific languages | |||
functional haskell dsl Go to site |
Akka at Zeebox: A case study | |||
functional scala akka Go to site |
FPish: leveraging F# and WebSharper in a large-scale web application | |||
websharper f# functional fpish Go to site |
SilkApp: A Case Study in Creating Rich Internet Apps in Haskell | |||
functional web haskell silkapp Go to site |
Welcome to #functionalpx | |||
functional Go to site |
Visi.Pro bringing functional programming to the masses | |||
functional ipad Go to site |
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
This talk would include details on Getting started with Pit, using the tools and a simple walkthrough project using a single page app + ServiceStack.NET for creating tasks.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
In this talk, I will give an experience report on implementing FPish, a new community site for functional programmers; the issues we encountered; and the way we solved some of these challenges. FPish is implemented entirely in F# as a massive WebSharper s...
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Are you confused about the messaging from Microsoft around F#? Are you wishing a feature would be supported in the language or IDE and not sure why it's not? Join us for our first F# Community Roundtable to discuss what we, the community, can do to advance...
Nov 3-4, 2011
This is the first Progressive F# Tutorials, a 2-day, 2-track conference, covering the latest developments in the fast moving world of F# programming.
180 GBP
Oct 14, 2011
FP Day is a new one-day event for the Functional Programming community in the UK and around the world. Intended to be hands-on and interactive, FP Day will give you the opportunity to share experiences with others.
F# Today, F# Tomorrow – Data-Rich Programming Meets Functional Programming Super-Drug | |||
f# type providers Go to site |
Energy trading with F# | |||
f# case study Go to site |
Programming Music with Overtone | |||
clojure overtone Go to site |
Sparks, darks and swings; description and post trade management of structured energy contracts | |||
haskell case study energy contracts Go to site |
Hands-on Haskell | |||
haskell Go to site |
Turning to the Functional Side With F# | |||
f# testing nunit Go to site |
Hands-on Clojure | |||
clojure Go to site |
Towards Haskell in the Cloud | |||
cloud haskell Go to site |
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The .NET framework provides several ways of interacting with I/O out of the box. These work great until you need to maximize performance over network I/O. Dave Thomas has demonstrated that using SocketAsyncEventArgs rather than the Asynchronous Programming...
425 GBP
Sep 5-7, 2011
Join the great program with Christian Hassa, Gaspar Nagy, Ian Cooper, Sebastien Lambla, Dylan Beattie , Simon Brown, Paul Stack, Damjan Vujnovic, Adam Granicz, Ian Robinson, Mark Rendle, Steven Robbins, Jon Skeet, and Nathan Gloyn.
Introduction to Nancy and Simple.Data | |||
nancy Go to site |
You Think You Know Agile? | |||
agile Go to site |
RESTful Web Service Development in .NET | |||
restful web services Go to site |
Async Methods in C# 5 | |||
async c# Go to site |
Continuous Integration to Continuous Delivery | |||
continuous delivery continuous integration Go to site |
Advanced WebSharper Tutorial | |||
websharper f# Go to site |
Load Testing for Developers | |||
load testing Go to site |
Test-driven Development in JavaScript | |||
tdd javascript Go to site |
Front-end Tips for Back-end Devs | |||
javascript css Go to site |
Defining Acceptance Criteria in Gherkin | |||
gherkin Go to site |
Solving the Packaging Puzzle | |||
packaging Go to site |
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Learn about the use of F# in the next version of Castle MonoRail with Hamilton Veríssimo "Hammett" de Oliveira.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Dave Thomas will present on his experiments with F# for server-side programming including the fracture-io project, a high-performance socket pipeline library meant to offer a range of useful features similar to those offered in 0mq and Akka.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
In this talk we'll look at when and how to define and automate Acceptance Tests from both a business and development point of view. Focusing on the business benefits of specifying scenarios in plain English and automating them with F#. The talk will includ...
May 15, 2011
Thanks to everyone attending, including some great speakers with excellent talks, we enjoyed an exciting, inspiring day packed with learning yesterday.
Keynote -- Introducing Scalate, the Scala Template Engine | |||
scala keynote scalate Watch |
The Promising Future of Akka | |||
scala akka Watch |
Connecting Akka to the rest of the world with Apache Camel | |||
scala camel Watch |
Developing Scalable Software on the Cloud | |||
scala cloud Watch |
Parallel Collections | |||
scala parallel collections Watch |
Reactors | |||
scala reactive Watch |
Scala as an Agile Enabler | |||
scala agile Watch |
Lightning Talk: Scala STM | |||
scala stm Watch |
Lightning Talk: Lift scaffolding from existing database | |||
scala scalafarm Watch |
Lightning Talk: Our experience from Java to Scala | |||
enterprise scala Watch |
Keynote: What's new, what's next | |||
scala keynote Watch |
The New Scala Eclipse Plug-in | |||
scala plugin eclipse Watch |
Representing polymorphic function values in Scala using type classes | |||
scala type classes Watch |
Functional Programming with Scalaz | |||
functional scala scalaz Watch |
Apache ESME: Using Lift for writing social messaging apps | |||
scala lift Watch |
Stairway to Heaven or “Java with Closures�? | |||
enterprise scala Watch |
Lightning Talk: How to foster Scala adoption in your organisation | |||
enterprise scala Watch |
Lightning Talk: The Unfiltered Web Framework | |||
scala unfiltered Watch |
Lightning Talk: How To Build A High Performance Scalable Infrastructure | |||
scala Watch |
Thursday, June 16, 2011
F# has a strong, growing reputation for its ability to simplify complicated problems like parallel and asynchronous programming, data processing, and financial modeling. However, F# isn't just great in these niches; it’s also great at solving everyday prob...
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Simon Cousins, Talbott Crowell, Howard Mansell, and Robert Pickering discussing F# in the Enterprise.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
F# already allows you to write applications with much less code and fewer bugs, but wouldn't it be nice to improve productivity even more by creating/using custom F# application (a.k.a. multi-project) templates and NuGet packages? In this talk we will disc...
Saturday, March 19, 2011
F# 2.0 brings together functional programming and the .NET platform to create an amazingly powerful tool for software developers and domain specialists. In this talk, we'll cover some of what makes F# 2.0 special today: the combination of succinctness and ...
Feb 18, 2011
Following on from the success of the Functional Programming eXchange in December 2009, Skills Matter presents the next Functional Programming eXchange 2011.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
One of the key concepts of functional programming is compositionality – the fact that we can build complex software using several basic “building blocks�? and just a few ways of combining them. In this talk, I’ll demonstrate how we can teach this concept us...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Samin Ishtiaq taught a 1 hour crash course in functional programming to 10/11 year olds at a local Cambridge primary school recently. The course leads up to calculating areas and volumes, which is what the students were learning in maths at that time. This...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
WebSharper sitelets provide the essential mechanism to encapsulate entire websites as F# values. In this talk, I will present how you can use sitelets to develop dynamic, template-based, markup-less web applications with WebSharper that seamlessly combine...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
In this presentation Robert Pickering will take a look at the concept of the tree data structure, and we’ll see how trees are everywhere we look in programing — from XML to lisp, and passing by indexes in RMDS. He will first look at the various different w...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
In this talk Anton will present a pre-release version of WebSharper 2.0 by developing and testing a small standalone JavaScript component. Anton will demonstrate that WebSharper 2.0 gives as much flexibility and runtime efficiency as coding JavaScript by h...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
In this talk, Adam Granicz will present the main motivations for WebSharper, highlight some of its capabilities, and demonstrate how it can jump start developer productivity in creating robust client-based web applications entirely in F#. We will briefly ...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Part 2 of a two part session. In Part 2, Scott goes into Visual Studio through code examples. See Part 1 for the theory behind F# Workflows.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
F# Workflows are a powerful and elegant tool for solving many real-world problems, though they can be rather daunting at first. We'll survey some ways in which Workflows in the standard F# libraries are used for common development tasks, then dig into deta...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Don will talk about the templates, patterns and practices for Silverlight, Xaml and Web programming with F# or mixed F#/C# projects, using Visual Studio 2010 and the Online Templates. There might be a few other topics thrown in. We’ll also have an open Q&A...
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Nearly a month ago I visited the NYC ALT.NET User Group in Manhattan. Having been told by Steve Bohlen that I was up against a particularly sharp audience, I decided to do something much different than I had in any of my previous talks.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Nearly a month ago I visited the NYC ALT.NET User Group in Manhattan. Having been told by Steve Bohlen that I was up against a particularly sharp audience, I decided to do something much different than I had in any of my previous talks.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Nearly a month ago I visited the NYC ALT.NET User Group in Manhattan. Having been told by Steve Bohlen that I was up against a particularly sharp audience, I decided to do something much different than I had in any of my previous talks.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Ryan Riley will introduce functional programming using examples from both C# and F#. This presentation will be great for those coming from a C# or VB.NET background who are unfamiliar with the functional paradigm. If you already know functional programming...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Alex Pedenko (@kolosy) will show how to build web applications in F# using the Bistro framework (
Monday, June 7, 2010
Presented at the New England F# User Group on June 7, 2010, Steffen discusses FAKE and NaturalSpec. In this talk, he shows these tools in action, and talks a bit about some internal implementation details. In particular he shows why he used F# and how spec...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Working with F# or just curious as to who's doing what? Join us Tuesday, May 18th, 2010 to find out what people are doing with F#. Chris Marinos (F# Koans), the Bistro team, and YOU will have the chance to present and discuss practical uses of F# "in the w...
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
If you've ever been interested in writing a full fledged compiler in F# then this is the talk for you. This talk will go over the FSMiniJava project, a compiler converting a subset of the Java language into x86 assembler and then producing working executab...
Sunday, April 4, 2010
This talk describes building Silverlight 3 applications using F#. Both Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 RC are demonstrated.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
One area where F# excels beyond other languages is its language oriented programming features. These are especially useful for the testing and analysis of existing code. In this intermediate to advanced talk, Richard will demonstrate how F# can be used to ...
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Steffan Forkmann will present on some of the projects he's worked on, including Fake, FunctionalNHibernate, etc.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Ryan Riley will introduce functional programming using examples from both C# and F#. This presentation will be great for those coming from a C# or VB.NET background who are unfamiliar with the functional paradigm. If you already know functional programming...
Dec 7, 2009
Skills Matter aims to bring together the leading innovators in the Functional Programming community with the UK's enterprise developer community, for an informal day of deep technical insight, inspiration, innovation and friendly discussion.
Event tags
- f# × 96
- scala × 50
- functional × 31
- erlang × 25
- clojure × 20
- haskell × 15
- web × 14
- akka × 13
- keynote × 12
- riak × 11
- data × 10
- cloud × 9
- websharper × 9
- java × 8
- .net × 8
- otp × 8
- javascript × 7
- c# × 7
- cassandra × 6
- tbc × 6
- type providers × 5
- testing × 5
- mongodb × 5
- neo4j × 5
- async × 5
- enterprise × 5
- api × 4
- ocaml × 4
- nosql × 4
- mobile × 4
- code × 4
- big data × 4
- play × 4
- cucumber × 4
- gaming × 3
- games × 3
- language × 3
- ruby × 3
- agile × 3
- http × 3
- × 3
- patterns × 3
- apache × 3
- android × 3
- teaching × 3
- hadoop × 3
- bdd × 3
- concurrent programming × 3
- sequential programming × 3
- database × 2
- go × 2
- uswitch × 2
- music × 2
- lift × 2
- case study × 2
- fpish × 2
- cascalog × 2
- ravendb × 2
- developing × 2
- app × 2
- facebook × 2
- html5 × 2
- open source × 2
- koans × 2
- introduction × 2
- templates × 2
- workflows × 2
- scalate × 2
- server × 2
- agents × 2
- packaging × 2
- css × 2
- tdd × 2
- apps × 2
- messaging × 2
- html × 2
- exchange × 2
- ddd × 2
- gradle × 2
- spring × 2
- javaee × 2
- orm × 2
- io × 2
- development × 2
- windows × 2
- programming × 2
- cloud computing × 2
- sbt × 2
- scoobi × 2
- rabbitmq × 2
- pattern × 2
- intellij × 2
- jetbrains × 2
- ipad × 2
- linq × 2
- raspberry pi × 2
- distributed programming × 2
- style and efficiency × 2
- ports and sockets × 2
- advanced constructs × 2
- ets tables × 2
- basic erlang × 2
- sweden × 2
- titanium × 1
- platform × 1
- {m}brace × 1
- graphs × 1
- puritanism × 1
- pragmatism × 1
- clojurescript × 1
- vertx × 1
- actor × 1
- disruptor × 1
- media × 1
- clp × 1
- history × 1
- core.logic × 1
- library × 1
- google+ × 1
- ouya × 1
- lexifi × 1
- groovy × 1
- tools × 1
- library methods × 1
- funscript × 1
- game × 1
- research × 1
- microsoft × 1
- query × 1
- internet × 1
- algebraic data × 1
- queries × 1
- rdf × 1
- bigdata × 1
- mvp × 1
- rabitmq × 1
- monorail × 1
- nunit × 1
- overtone × 1
- energy contracts × 1
- single page application × 1
- servicestack × 1
- pit fw × 1
- mono × 1
- cross platform × 1
- kafka × 1
- #nosqlx × 1
- web api × 1
- phones × 1
- architecture × 1
- prototyping × 1
- rebuilding × 1
- iterating × 1
- salesforce × 1
- lua × 1
- edsl × 1
- exe × 1
- cfg × 1
- transition × 1
- writing × 1
- graph × 1
- googletv × 1
- components × 1
- flyin × 1
- leaks × 1
- memory × 1
- bioinformatics × 1
- bma × 1
- trifork × 1
- xenclient × 1
- citrix × 1
- compiler × 1
- bistro × 1
- metaprogramming × 1
- tickspec × 1
- silverlight × 1
- plugin × 1
- eclipse × 1
- type classes × 1
- scalaz × 1
- unfiltered × 1
- camel × 1
- parallel × 1
- collections × 1
- reactive × 1
- stm × 1
- scalafarm × 1
- tcp × 1
- gherkin × 1
- load testing × 1
- continuous delivery × 1
- continuous integration × 1
- restful × 1
- web services × 1
- nancy × 1
- × 1
- katas × 1
- computing × 1
- numerical × 1
- coding × 1
- mystery × 1
- contest × 1
- dsls × 1
- cynefin × 1
- practical functional × 1
- metro-style × 1
- screening × 1
- simple.web × 1
- end × 1
- identity × 1
- security × 1
- dddx × 1
- domain × 1
- polyglot × 1
- rest × 1
- beyond × 1
- semantic × 1
- spring data × 1
- jsf × 1
- jpa × 1
- cyberdojo × 1
- sip × 1
- commodities trading × 1
- finance × 1
- gpu × 1
- numerics × 1
- performant code × 1
- requirements × 1
- key × 1
- interface × 1
- store × 1
- python × 1
- xfactor × 1
- fluid × 1
- leinigen × 1
- software × 1
- recovering × 1
- crap × 1
- twitter × 1
- track × 1
- intro × 1
- paradigms × 1
- nasa × 1
- sky × 1
- moneyvista × 1
- bumblebee × 1
- computation expressions × 1
- f# 3.0 × 1
- type provider × 1
- quality × 1
- visualising × 1
- win8 × 1
- metro style × 1
- js × 1
- windows8 × 1
- phone8 × 1
- kinect × 1
- gpdotnet × 1
- sql × 1
- private cloud × 1
- scvmm × 1
- 365 × 1
- office × 1
- project managment × 1
- specflow × 1
- vs × 1
- chalk & talk × 1
- mmorpg × 1
- systems × 1
- kiama × 1
- concurrency × 1
- backbone × 1
- knockout × 1
- javascript frameworks × 1
- angularjs × 1
- rails × 1
- delite × 1
- cluster computing × 1
- cpus × 1
- startup × 1
- lancet × 1
- jit × 1
- scalding × 1
- scrunch × 1
- lenses × 1
- opencv × 1
- boost × 1
- macros × 1
- algorithms × 1
- spores × 1
- pickles × 1
- spark × 1
- flatmap × 1
- hlists × 1
- slick × 1
- puzzlers × 1
- nav × 1
- c/al × 1
- dynamics × 1
- analysis × 1
- static × 1
- calabash × 1
- jvm × 1
- rubymine × 1
- f* × 1
- test × 1
- foq × 1
- elnode × 1
- emacslisp × 1
- units of measure × 1
- × 1
- silkapp × 1
- dsl × 1
- incanter × 1
- asynchronous programming × 1
- real-world × 1
- dotnet × 1
- node.js × 1
- coffeescript × 1
- deployment × 1
- dvcs × 1
- ui design × 1
- css3 × 1
- iphone × 1
- f#, × 1
- regular meeting × 1
- message passing × 1
- continuation × 1
- csharp × 1
- icfp × 1
- event handlers × 1
- finite state machines × 1
- generic behaviours × 1
- erlang design patterns × 1
- otp express × 1
- erlang basics × 1
- riak troubleshooting × 1
- riak benchmarking × 1
- riak architecture × 1
- riak basic querying × 1
- evening school of erlang × 1
- updating records and funs × 1
- process error handling code × 1
- process design patterns × 1
- records and funs × 1
- code updating × 1
- process error handling × 1
- process design × 1
- the neural network × 1
- social networks × 1
- gaming industry × 1
- erlang embedded × 1
- linux embedded × 1
- erlang user conference × 1
- erlang for beginners × 1
- wrangler × 1
- test-driven development × 1
- dialyzer × 1
- quickcheck × 1
- common test × 1
- eunit × 1
- erlang otp × 1
- joe armstrong × 1
- erlang factory lite × 1
- websockets × 1
- erlang/otp × 1
- programming practices × 1
- major debugging tools × 1
- erlang mode for emacs × 1
- erlang development environment × 1
- error handling × 1
- actor model × 1
- multicore × 1
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