Blog articles
on 8/24/2013 3:57 PM
I’ve had the pleasure of working with and interviewing C# developers for over a decade now. However here’s 5 common misconceptions I continue to encounter. 1) Lists are implemented as linked lists List<T> is actually implemented using an underlying arra[...]
on 8/19/2013 6:57 PM
Framework One for Clojure version 0.2.1 is available. The easiest way to get started is via Leiningen and the fw1 template:
lein new fw1 myapp
This creates a minimal web application in the myapp folder that can be started like this:
PORT=8123 lein run
on 8/19/2013 6:14 PM
Hot on the heels of making my first game with Dart and StageXL at the London GameCraft 2013, I decided to strike whilst the iron’s hot and make a mini-game featuring characters from our MMORPG Here Be Monsters. The result, is a whack-a-mole style game w[...]
on 8/19/2013 5:57 AM
Even though tuples, records and discriminated unions are reference types, they all have the built-in equality properties you would expect in a value type. For example: > let a = (1,’a');; val a : int * char = (1, ‘a’) > let b = (1,’a');; val b : int * ch[...]
on 8/19/2013 4:14 AM
I’ve seen syntax like: from time to time (for example in Marlows Book) but I never reall knew what this really is, nor where I should look for it. Today I stumpled upon the Bang patterns extension to GHC – … Weiterlesen →
on 8/18/2013 4:34 PM
Were I sponsoring a technology conference, I’d much rather get my logo on a coffee mug than just about anything else from the conference. Why do I say this? Consider some other alternatives: a t-shirt, a thumb drive, a pen. No matter how slovenly a de[...]
on 8/18/2013 2:16 PM
Welcome to F# Weekly, A roundup of F# content from this past week: News New {m}brace version was released with cloud disposables and brand new documentation. Fantomas extension v0.7.0 is available in VS gallery with new features and various improvements. [...]
on 8/16/2013 4:20 PM
..are turned into an in-game character by your game designers!!! Thanks guys!
on 8/16/2013 1:17 PM
In the last week or so I've seen a popular article and a presentation which didn’t paint the rosiest of pictures for the next generation of coders: Marc Scott’s Kids Can't Use Computers... And This Is Why It Should Worry You Brett Victor’s The Fut[...]
on 8/16/2013 8:51 AM
Last night I ran a free hands on Generative Art session to a full class room at Skills Matter for the F#unctional Londoners meetup group. We host a hands on programming sessions every month, next month we’ll return to the Machine Learning theme with Matt [...]
Latest blog articles (see all)
- Casting vs "as" - embracing exceptions
- stream_ext – version 0.2.0 is out
- How many tuple types are there in C#?
- A New F# Meetup - The Paris F# Group
- A new F# Meetup Group - Washington DC F# Meetup
- F# Weekly #37 2013
- Run Taotie Run – new Here Be Monsteres mini-game made with Dart and StageXL
- Visual Studio 2013 RC and Send to FSI
- k-means clustering
- Installing GLPK and GLPK-hs on Windows
- Stanford Word Segmenter is available on NuGet
- stream_ext – bringing more Rx API to the Dart
- F# Weekly #36 2013
- Walkie Scorchie
- First steps with Accord.NET SVM in F#
- The Software Developer Identity Crisis
- Talking to you car – with OpenXC, Android, Xamarin & F#
- Talking to you car – with OpenXC, Android, Xamarin & F#
- Clojure – Multi-Arity and Variadic functions
- Field notes from the F# tour
- Binary and JSON serializer benchmarks updated
- F# Weekly #35 2013
- MSR-SPLAT Overview for F#
- Dart – implementing the Singleton pattern with factory constructors
- Try 10 Programming Languages in 10 minutes
- Building a game in a day
- Mostly Erlang episode 13
- Hello New York. Learn some F#!
- Hello New York. Learn some F#!
- Progressive F# Tutorials Teaser
- More on “Clarity of Intent�?
- Objects and functional programming
- Update on the F# Deep Dives book
- Update on the F# Deep Dives book
- F# on Android
- Balls
- F# Tip of the Week (26 August 2013)
- First Detroit F# Meetup
- CSV Type Provider, now with more awesome
- F# Weekly #34 2013
- 5 Common C# Misconceptions
- FW/1 0.2.1 (for Clojure) released
- Whack A Meng – new Here Be Monsters mini-game made with Dart and StageXL
- F# Tip Of The Week (Week of August 19, 2013)
- BangPatterns in Haskell
- A Brief Thought On Conference “Swag�?
- F# Weekly #33 2013
- That moment when you..
- The Kids Are Alright
- Generative Art
- Adrian Cockcroft on Dystopia-as-a-Service
- FAKE Script for ClickOnce Packaging of F# Apps
- FAKE Script for ClickOnce Packaging of F# Apps
- Haskell and Snap … yet another cabal adventure
- All Machine Learning Platforms are Terrible (but some less so)
- F# Tip Of The Week (Week of August 12, 2013)
- F# Weekly #32 2013
- London GameCraft 2013 – Agents of P.R.I.S.M
- F# Type Providers: News from the battlefields
- F# Weekly #31 2013
- PowerShell Type Provider
- Developer Conferences
- Book review: Apache Solr for Indexing Data How-to
- Getting The Band Back Together
- GameCraft NYC
- F# Weekly #30 2013
- Tools
- Choose Your Own Adventure Type Provider
- Turing drawings
- The Promise of F# Language Type Providers
- FSharp.Data 1.1.9 released
- F# Weekly #29 2013
- FSharp.NLP.Stanford.Parser justification or StackOverflow questions understanding.
- let runFAKE = Download >> Unzip >> IKVMCompile >> Sign >> NuGet
- F# in the Enterprise
- Come join me at the SkillsMatter F# Tutorials NYC 2013
- F# Type Provider for MATLAB - Feedback requested, contributions welcome
- F# Deep Dives - Chapter 4 - Financial Programming
- F# Deep Dives - Early Access Program
- my OpenPGP/GnuPG public Key
- The Progressive F# Tutorials, New York City, September 18-19
- Combining F# and Excel using Excel DNA
- Source Linking
- Rattle for F# devs
- Lambda Jam 2013
- F# Weekly #28 2013
- “Summer of F#�? Tour
- Seattle F# meetup, Wednesday 7/17/2013, 7:00 PM: Functional-style control flow in F#
- Machine Learning from Disaster
- In Retrospect: QCon NYC 2013 (and a conversation with Rich Hickey on languages)
- F#/C# jobs in Machine Learning + Data Tools, Microsoft Research, Redmond
- Tonight at F#unctional Londoners: More Machine Learning Hands-on with F#
- Viewing function return values in the Visual Studio 2013 debugger
- Adding binding options to Morozov’s WPF MVC framework
- F# Weekly #27 2013
- New Angular.js Option in the F#/C# MVC 4 SPA Project Template
- Project Euler – Problem 60 Solution
- Random Forest classification in F#: first cut
- Amazon ELB – Some caveats around health check pings
- On Type Safety, Representable States and Erlang
- Last-Fi
- Field notes: Coursera Machine Learning class
- FSCL - Compiling F# to OpenCL for High-Performance over Multi-core and Many-core devices
- F# Weekly #26 2013
- XML computation expressions: Playing around with extending the F# compiler
- Announcing a pre-release of F# 3.1 and the Visual F# tools in Visual Studio 2013
- Declarative authorization in REST services in SharePoint with F# and ServiceStack
- FSharp.NLP.Stanford.Parser available on NuGet
- We Jammin’
- Customizing document styles with FSharp.Markdown.Pdf
- Confluence/Jira communication from F# and C#
- Selective crawling in SharePoint 2010 (with F# & Selenium)
- S3 – Masterclass Webinar slides
- F# Weekly #25 2013
- Array covariance: not just ugly, but slow too
- Can I have some F# with that?
- But what does it all mean?
- Optimizing with the help of FsCheck
- FunScript - F# to Javascript leveraging TypeScript metadata
- Making the .NET Open Source More Open
- F# Weekly #24 2013
- New Twitter API or “F# Weekly�? v1.1
- F# – PDF fun with Markdown and FSharp.Formatting
- F#/C# positions in Brighton
- Senior F# Job in User Interface/Finance in London
- Does the language you use make a difference? - Code metrics for "functional-first" v. "object-first" code
- TickSpec dependency graph
- Machine Learning Hands On Session
- Tremolo
- The Most Important Quality Of A Unit Test
- Next Generation Video Gaming
- F# London Meetup, Thursday: Machine Learning Hands On with F#
- jQuery UI Drag and Drop with FunScript
- F# Weekly #23 2013
- jQuery Mobile page reuse with Websharper
- Same Same
- Generic programming in F# - another take
- CouchBase webinar by Don Pinto
- Monster Zero - Revisited
- Using Riak MapReduce with F#
- Accessing Spotify Metadata API from TypeScript
- F# Weekly #22 2013
- Monokeys
- Some kind of monster
- Pissed off owls
- Random Walker
- Cleveland F# Meetup, Wednesday Night - Data Mining with F#: Analyzing Network Packets, 5/29/2013 5:45 PM
- F# London Meetup this Thursday: F# on iPad and iPhone in Xamarin Studio with Neil Danson
- Zurich FSharp Meetup: Embrace the Cloud with F# (Wednesday, May 29, 2013)
- Using F# and Entity Framework with an Azure Database (Windows Azure Training in F#, Part Three)
- Building and Publishing Web Sites containing F# Code (Windows Azure Training in F#, Part One)
- Pushing F# Websites to Azure with Git (Windows Azure Training in F#, Part Two)
- Discretizing a continuous variable using Entropy
- F# Weekly #21 2013
- Crypto in a few lines of F#
- Crypto in a few lines of F#
- F# Coding Dojo in SF last week
- Book Review: Async in C# 5.0
- Modern Art
- Using the Android GridView as a DataGrid
- .Net Developer – Opportunities to work with F#
- Developing For Kindle Fire with Mono C#/Xamarin Studio
- F# Weekly #20 2013
- Building an MMORPG
- Three easy ways to create simple Web Server with F#
- Live tweets from Alea.cuBase F#-for-financial-GPU event in London.
- F# Deep Dives
- Learn You a What for Great Good - cf.Objective() 2013 - Slides and Code online
- AngelHack Paris 2013
- F# UK ton of Meetups
- Power of mathematics: Reasoning about functional types
- 0.3.0 alpha 4
- F# on FreeBSD
- My cf.Objective() 2013 Presentations
- Building Type Providers - Part 1
- F# Weekly #19, 2013
- F# for Machine Learning - a Gentle Introduction and Coding Dojo
- Seattle DotNet Startup Group: F# for Startups, Tuesday June 11 2013
- Chocolatey
- Fixed Width Data Files
- DynamoDB.SQL 1.2.1 – now supports Local Secondary Index
- Upcoming speaking engagement
- F# Weekly #18, 2013
- I node something (Bout You)
- Sample Mobile Web App Presented at #mobidevday
- Sample Mobile Web App Presented at #mobidevday
- IEEE Computer Society Webinar: Try F# for Big and Broad Data - Tuesday May 7
- Instrumenting Clojure for New Relic Monitoring
- Examples!
- Recommendation Engine using Math.NET, SVD and F#
- F# Weekly #17, 2013
- Mike Falanga speaks about Discriminated Unions at Cleveland F# SIG
- Fractal Zoom in Colour
- WPF MVVM with Xaml Type Provider
- Alt.Net Coding Breakfast – April 2013 Edition
- Neo4jClient new Cypher Start notation & F# Extra Top Level Operators
- Miguel de Icaza discusses Xamarin support for F# on Channel 9
- Foq It Easy
- Tonight at the F# New York City Meetup: F# MVC for WPF with Dmitry Morozov
- Aml - A Modular Language written in F# and available for .NET
- F# and QuantLib: An Introduction
- F# and QuantLib: An Introduction
- New selectors with Canopy 0.7.3
- F# Weekly #16, 2013
- New tool to play with: SemanticMerge
- iOS async revisited
- DNS collisions detection with F# Async Workflows
- F# + GPGPU - Financial Services Developer Forum (.NET in the City) - Thursday 16th May 2013
- Explore local network with F# Async Workflows
- Clojure in the Enterprise?
- On Today: Online Event: Rachel Reese - Getting Started with F#
- Don’t be that guy!
- A little bit of iOS async
- Async in C# and F#: Asynchronous gotchas in C#
- Visualize WorldBank data with R and F# Type Providers
- F# Weekly #15, 2013
- Running F# Interactive from Windows context menu
- Visualizing a Schedule usign F# and the .Net Visualization Library
- Visualizing a Schedule usign F# and the .Net Visualization Library
- Windows Azure Dev Camps
- Presentation - Modern Software Architectures: Building Solutions for Web, Cloud, and Mobile
- An Update to the F# Microsoft Dynamics CRM Type Provider Sample
- Learn F# in New York - Fast Track to F# with Tomas Petricek, 30 April - 1 May
- Learn F# - Hands On: This Thursday, London F# Meetup
- F# null trick
- F# Exception Formatter
- Stati-C/AL Prism – Static analysis for Microsoft Dynamics NAV reloaded
- 0.3.0 alpha 1
- F# Weekly #14, 2013
- F# testimonials on
- "Stati-C/AL Supervision – static analysis for Microsoft Dynamics NAV"
- The F# Weekly #13
- Be Lazy, but be ware of initialization exception
- New FW/1 - Framework One - Organization on Github
- Stati-C/AL Supervision – blazing-fast static analysis for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
- Introducing FAKE boot workflow
- A tale of nulls – part I
- Sorting Algorithms in F#
- Best Fit Bin Packing
- Best Fit Bin Packing
- Assembly to PDB to Source Files
- Prototype
- F# Weekly #13, 2013
- #fsharp Community Twitter Activity 2013 Q1
- FAKE with NuGet support
- My first disappointment on F# type system.
- Moq.FSharp.Extensions
- F# Data: New type provider library
- Generalizing records combinators a bit
- Using Neo4j Graph DB With F#
- Setting up F# Interactive for Machine Learning with Large Datasets
- Monads in F#
- FSharpx 1.8 removes support for Freebase, CSV, JSON and XML document type providers
- WebSharper, PhoneGap, and Ripple: easier native HTML5 apps
- TypeScript: initial impressions
- Simplify data with SVD and Math.NET in F#
- R Type Provider in Action
- Quote of the Week: "What can C# do that F# cannot?"
- Introduction to parser combinators
- F# Weekly #12, 2013
- Asynchronous Programming: From F# to Python
- “Why F#?�? by F# Weekly
- Using Coq as a program optimization tool
- WebSharper: From F# power features to JavaScript interop
- Web API and Dynamic Data Access
- New FPish feature: E-mail notification
- Automate, automate, automate..
- F# Weekly #11, 2013
- Transform a picture in the style of Mondrian with F#
- Bad Data is the Real Problem
- The Open-Closed Principle, in review
- congomongo 0.4.1 released
- clj-time 0.4.5 released
- Multi-targeting .NET projects with F# and FAKE
- Getting started with 3D XNA in F#
- Generating VSIX and VSTemplate packages in F#
- InfoQ article on Design Pattern Automation
- F# Weekly #10, 2013
- CUFP 2013 - Call for Presentations
- WebSharper for Windows 8 Desktop
- New tasks for building Xamarin Components in FAKE – F# Make
- WebSharper 2.5.2-alpha on AppHarbor
- License all the things with Portable.Licensing 1.0
- Upcoming WebSharper Changes
- Here Be Monsters – New features, quests, items and more!
- On F# code readability
- F# Weekly #9, 2013
- F# meets the Raspberry Pi
- ServiceStack: F# Client Application
- The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Type Provider Sample: Static Parameters
- F# IKVM Type Provider
- F# — XmlSerializer, Record types and [CLIMutable]
- ServiceStack: New API – F# Sample (Web Service out of a web server)
- Thursday at F# London Meetup: The F# 3.0 SQL Server Type Provider - Very Cool, and Very Useful, plus F# 3.0 Dynamics CRM Type Provider
- DynamoDB.SQL – version 1.1.0 released
- Free WebSharper MVP licenses
- F# Image Blurrer
- F# Weekly #8, 2013
- F#, Windows Phone 7 & Visual Studio 2012
- AOP – string interning with PostSharp attribute
- Does the language you choose make a difference?
- Connect All The Things – MVP Summit 2013
- Presentation: Building Better Web Apps with F#
- Easy in OOP–harder in FP: a list of animals
- F# Weekly #7, 2013
- C# in Depth 3rd edition available for early access, plus a discount code…
- NLP: Stanford Named Entity Recognizer with F# (.NET)
- In defense of VB.NET
- Fun with Object and Collection Initializers
- The F# 3.0 Microsoft Dynamics CRM Type Provider Sample - Strongly-typed enterprise-scale customer data made simple
- Mocking with Foq
- K-Means clustering in F#
- F# Weekly #6, 2013
- NLP: Stanford POS Tagger with F# (.NET)
- Reasons to come to Functional Programming eXchange 2013
- Upcoming F# talks and trainings (London, NYC & Boston)
- MonoTouch and F# part II
- F# WSDL Type Provider and HTTPS
- Plot functions from F# to Excel
- F# + ServiceStack - F# Web Services on any platform in and out of a web server
- Are you working with QuantLib and F#?
- Using a Java Framework with F#: The Stanford Parser for NLP
- NLP: Stanford Parser with F# (.NET)
- F# Community Code Sprint this Saturday in London
- Learn How to Create an Internet Game Using F#, C#, and ASP.NET
- Tonight at The SF Bay Area F# Meetup: "Functional Data Structures: Practical F# Applications"
- F# Weekly #5, 2013
- MonoTouch and F# part I
- FSharp.ML – industry needs. (Machine Learning for .NET)
- Unraveling the Mystery of Monads
- Unraveling the Mystery of Monads
- Twelve F# type providers in action
- F# London Meetup Thursday Night: Zach Bray "F# to Javascript, the FunScript way"
- F# Weekly #4, 2013
- Released new AssemblyVersion tasks for FAKE
- Testing and mocking your C# code with F#
- Moq with F# 3
- Running FAKE targets from the command line
- LINQ OrderBy – using Comparer<T>.Create and F#’s Object Expressions
- Try F# - Learn, Create and Share F#, from your browser
- Try F# 3.0 Launched Today!
- Announcing: Literate programming tools for F#
- Still obsessing on FSI and Excel
- F# Weekly #3, 2013
- F# Emacs Integration
- Here Be Monsters — New Trophy system, automatic Fences and more items!
- Release of the WMI type provider on nuget
- This Wednesday: F# London Meetup: Systems Information Programming Made Simple with the F# WMI Provider Sample
- GitStack – a simple Git server for Windows
- F# Weekly #2, 2013
- CodeMash CoffeeScript Session - Slides and Examples
- Using nuget package restore with “FAKE – F# Make�? – Get rid of the binaries in your source code repository
- How to Become a Software Architect
- F# and FAST Search for SharePoint 2010
- F# Weekly #1, 2013
- Bug in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 OData services?!
- Trying out TypeScript
- F# and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 OData Services
- MonoGame subdivision and platonics
- F# and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Web Services
- Top Ten Blog Entries of 2012
- Hiring! Hiring! Hiring!
- My Top 5 Blog Posts from 2012
- Replacing a dead RAID5 drive on an HP Microserver running Ubuntu
- F# Weekly #52, 2012 – New Year Edition
- Running the jQuery Mobile WebSharper sample
- AdaBoost in F#
- F# Manifest
- Microsoft Dynamics CRM Type Provider preview
- Rhythm of the F# Сommunity heartbeat
- Support Vector Machine in F#: getting there
- F#/.NET function minimization (optimization)
- F# Weekly #51, 2012
- Buiilding Web, Cloud, and Mobile Solutions with F#
- Manning: F# Deep Dives deal of the day
- F# PowerPack NuGet Packages for F# 3.0, .NET 4.x, and Silverlight 5
- Here Be Monsters – Xmas special is here!
- F# Weekly #50, 2012
- Rich / Mobile Web Development – Without Losing Your Sanity
- Rich / Mobile Web Development – Without Losing Your Sanity
- F# Londoners Meetup Tomorrow - Don Syme does Informal Deep Dive into the Freebase Type Provider
- Testing, proving, checking – How to verify code properties
- Protected: Using Footloose from F# – part I – Setting up the infrastructure
- F# Weekly #49, 2012
- Using the New ASP.NET MVC 4 Template in MonoDevelop
- QuickLinq Helpers
- F# Community Update
- Contract Position in F# Information Rich Programming with Microsoft Research, Cambridge
- Last day to register to Tech Mesh 2012
- My Education in Machine Learning via Cousera, A Review So Far
- F# Weekly #48, 2012
- Using FSI to execute F# code from a .NET app
- Monads to help with COM cleanup
- Science and Software Development
- This Monday at the SF Bay Area F# Meetup: Building a customizable business rules engine with F#
- Late reminder: New York City F# Meetup Tonight - F# in the Cloud with George Stavroulakis of the {m}brace team
- Math.NET Numerics v2.3.0 released, with improved F# support
- Building UIs for WebSharper with ExtJS Architect
- Support Vector Machine: work in progress
- F# Weekly #47, 2012
- Projekte für meine DDC Talk auf Github
- MonoGame 3D basics
- Try F# 3.0 - Get Your Feedback In Now!
- Stack Overflow question checklist
- DynamoDB.SQL – version 1.0.7 released
- AOP – using PostSharp attributes with async Task/Task<T> methods
- F# as a Unit Testing Language
- 1st build of an F# Type Provider for .proto files
- F#, ASP.NET MVC, and MonoDevelop
- DynamoDB.SQL – minor updates
- JSON serializers benchmark updated – including MongoDB Driver
- F# Community Group of the Week: the San Francisco Bay Area F# Meetup Group
- Clojure/conj 2012
- Generating C# code for .proto files using Roslyn and F#
- F# Weekly #46, 2012
- Accessing Local Variable Information in FSI
- DynamoDb.SQL – a SQL-like external DSL for Amazon DynamoDB
- My wish list for FSI
- Functional Programming eXchange 2013
- Expert F# 3.0
- MSR Silicon Valley, Tuesday 3pm - Reconsidering Strongly Typed Programming Languages for the Information-Rich World
- F# Weekly #45, 2012
- F# and MonoGame on the Mac
- Kaggle/StackOverflow contest field notes, part 1
- Recording for Building Better Web Apps with F#
- Sorting Out What .NET 4.5 Bits Come With VS2012
- Presentation - CoffeeScript: Good, Bold, and with Sugar
- Noda Time v1.0 released
- The Brave New World of Software Development on the Microsoft Platforms
- F# Community Group of the Week: The Zurich F# Meetup Group
- Search of news with Twitterizer2 and F# or “F# Weekly�? under the hood
- Community for F# Online Meetup - "The F# Foundation" with Tomas Petricek and Phil Trelford - Thursday Nov 8 2012
- 10 things I hate about Git
- Presentation: Building Better Web Apps with F#
- Progressive F# Tutorials London 2012
- F# Weekly #44, 2012
- F# 3.0 In The Mac And Mono World
- Parsing a Protocol Buffers .proto File in F#
- How dense is the product of Sparse Matrices?
- Porter Stemmer in F#
- Porter Stemmer in F#
- awesome Haskell: Hoogle FTW
- F# weekly #43, 2012
- Using F# Records with ASP.NET Web API
- Server-side JavaScript Razor style in 2012
- C# – beware of async void in your code
- F# Job in Facebook Social Gaming, London
- Updated F# Language Specification for F# 3.0 Now Available
- Clojure & CFML Sitting In A Tree presentation recording
- Learn F# at TechMesh and SkillsMetter
- F# – helper functions to convert between Async<unit> and Task
- F# – Starting an Agent with supervision
- “B-Movie Madness�? Sample Now Available
- Rough Cut of Building Web, Cloud, and Mobile Solutions with F#
- What do you do with a drunken coder?
- Knockout.js Added to the F#/C# MVC 4 Single Page Application Template
- Next F#unctional Londoners Meetup - F# on the GPU with Alea.CUDA, Thursday, October 18, 2012
- Combinators over Records and Unions
- F# samples and community resources
- Learn F# from Real-World F# Users at FP Days, Cambridge UK, October 25-26
- Progressive F# Tutorials 2012, November 1-2, London
- Extended Submission Deadline for DDFP 2013: Now October 15
- Combinators over Discrimated Unions in ML
- Reminder: Submission Deadline for "Data Driven Functional Programming 2013"
- A Single Page App with Knockout.js, ASP.NET Web API, and F#
- Getting started with using SublimeHaskell and Cabal
- Rethinking findstr with F# and Powershell
- Git Clone of F# 3.0 Open Source Code Drop
- Takeaways from Theo Schlossnagle‘s talk on Scalable Internet Architecture
- Single Page Application Template Now Available
- How can I enumerate thee? Let me count the ways...
- NavTechDays 2012 Notizen Teil 2
- A Single Page App with Backbone.js, ASP.NET Web API, and F#
- Notizen von den NavTechDays 2012 Teil 1
- F# Talk at NVIDIA Global Technology Conference 2012 - "New Generation GPU Accelerated Financial Quant Libraries"
- FSharpx type providers are available as separate nuget packages
- Strangeloop 2012
- Online project templates, NuGet, and unit testing with F# in Visual Studio 2012
- Takeaways from Hewitt, Meijer and Szyperski’s talk on the Actor model
- Announcing the F# 3.0 Open Source Code Drop
- The F# 3.0 Freebase Type Provider Sample: Some Info on Queries
- The F# 3.0 Freebase Type Provider Sample: Queries for Presidents, Books and Stars
- Upgrading my Android to Stream Audio to my Car
- The Freebase Type Provider Sample: Static Parameters
- Tip for the day: If you get the error "Type provider assembly ... is not trusted..."
- Shlomo Swidler’s Many Cloud Design Patterns slides
- Bear Cubs are unleashed on Jackpotjoy Slots!
- The F# 3.0 Freebase Type Provider Sample – Integrating Internet-Scale Data Sources into a Strongly Typed Language
- The F# 3.0 Freebase Type Provider Sample – Integrating Internet-Scale Data Sources into a Strongly Typed Language
- New Tech Report from Microsoft Research: Strongly-Typed Language Support for Internet-Scale Information Sources
- Adding NuGet Support to F# Interactive in VS2012
- enjoying Racket
- Horizontal
- Lambda Calculus: What about “if�?
- F# eye for the C++ guy
- Dev Open Space 2012 – 19.-21.10.2012 in Leipzig
- F# – Make extension methods visible to C#
- Faster Printf Released on NuGet
- Skillsmatter “Progressive F# Tutorials 2012�? session in London
- Graph type providers in FSharpx
- F# Templates and F# Tools for VS2012 Express for Web
- OData Type Provider with SharePoint 2010
- Announcing F# Tools for Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web!
- Announcing F# Tools for Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web!
- Simple F# producer-consumer pattern
- Here Be Monsters – Beta is now open!
- Bejeweled Blitz Cascades is launched
- Automated Browser-based Testing with Clojure
- A non-empty list type for .NET
- RadioHead
- Levenshtein Distance and the Triangle Inequality
- Nested Controllers in the latest Web API Source
- Sneak preview
- Microsoft Codename “Cloud Numerics�? Lab Refresh
- Microsoft Codename “Cloud Numerics�? Lab Refresh
- Exploring the Online Templates: Creating a Web API with F# and ASP.NET
- Exploring the Online Templates: Creating a Web API with F# and ASP.NET
- Scrap your Boilerplate
- The Origin of RESTful URLs
- Announcing "Data Driven Functional Programming 2013" Workshop at POPL, Submission Date: Oct 8 2012
- What is good API design?
- Lambda Calculus: Subtraction is hard
- Blog 101
- Introduction to Lambda Calculus
- now using DISQUS
- A ‘Bucket Elimination’ Constraint Solver in F#
- A ‘Bucket Elimination’ Constraint Solver in F#
- DDD10!
- Whats in your toolbox?
- Silverlight 5 Native Popup Windows
- How do I create an F# Type Provider that can be used from C#?
- C# 5 CallerMemberName from Silverlight & WPF 4.0
- Spellbound Forest and New Slots Tournament features!
- Utility Git Bash Shortcuts
- Testing MathJax
- Filbert – added BERT-RPC client + NuGet
- Stack Overflow and personal emails
- Simple Speed Tester – moved to Github!
- Silverlight 5 Modal Windows
- upcoming series: Lambda Calculus
- Why type-first development matters
- F# – converting a C# dictionary to a Map
- Filbert – a BERT serializer for .Net
- How to Add WebSharper JavaScript to an ASP.NET MVC Web App
- A single line stack trace
- The Functional Web, Part 1
- .NET Web App in the Clouds
- Work at World Singles? CFML / Clojure Developer wanted!
- Git for Windows Apps
- F# – defining explicit operator in F#
- Knockoutjs and RxJS
- New Names for Old Things
- Reporting Bugs to Microsoft
- F# – specifying a discriminated union clause generic unit of measure
- F# – defining a type extension for generic array
- 64bit fsi (FSharp Interactive) already available !!!
- F# Courses and Talks for Autumn 2012
- Windows Live Writer 2012
- Optional parameters interop: C# - F#
- Performance Test – Json Serializers Part III
- The future of "C# in Depth"
- Clojure & CFML Sitting In A Tree Down Under
- Access Thousands of R Statistics Packages from F# 3.0
- Silverlight 5 Native Windows P/Invoke
- Real World Clojure at Clojure/West
- A tale of equational reasoning in F#
- A simple finite state machine in Erlang and F#
- CFP: First Workshop on Programming the Semantic Web - PSW
- Pacman Tiles
- LinkedIn OAuth in F#
- Plants vs Zombies Summer Brainz is live!
- More About F# 3.0 Language Features
- Functional Programming is Dead, Long Live Expression-Oriented Programming
- Speeding up F# Printf.*
- Developer Democracy
- The Fresh Prince of Bell Labs
- The Lurking Horror
- What does this F# code look like in Erlang – Part 4 of N
- PezHack–Abstracting flow control with monads
- ICFP Programming Contest starts tomorrow
- Samurai vs Ninja is live!
- What does this F# code look like in Erlang – Part 3 of N
- How to reference F# in a research paper?
- Clojure & CFML Sitting In A Tree
- A Few New NoSQL Helper Libraries
- What does this F# code look like in Erlang – Part 2 of N
- Install Erlang on a Mac
- A Simple Technique for Creating 3D Graphs from 2D Ones
- A Simple Technique for Creating 3D Graphs from 2D Ones
- What does this F# code look like in Erlang – Part 1 of N
- Getting Started with Math.NET and F# Programming
- 99.9999999% up time!
- More C#/.NET Generics Research Project History - The MSR white paper from mid-1999
- CoffeeScript Presentation Now Available on InfoQ
- How to run a London Clojure Dojo in 20ish easy steps
- F# - Einstieg und praktische Anwendung, Oliver Sturm
- Red Hot Rockets is live!
- Slides and recording for my talk with F#unctional Londonders
- World’s Smallest HTMLParser in Less than 140 Lines of F#
- World’s Smallest HTMLParser in Less than 140 Lines of F#
- Some more .NET/C# Generics Research Project History
- 0.2.3
- Functional JavaScript with LiveScript, Mocha, and ExpectThat
- Heatmap Color Function for Visualizing Weighted Graphs
- Heatmap Color Function for Visualizing Weighted Graphs
- Program Configuration Space Complexity
- The F# Survival Guide (archived edition)
- CodeStock 2012
- Some History: 2001 "GC#" research project draft, from the MSR Cambridge team
- Tonight: F# User Group in Boston: Mathias Brandewinder on Bumblebee
- F# and .NET in Social Gaming, June 28, SkillsMatter, London
- Fuzz Balls and Amazing Adventures are live!
- CodeStock 2012 F# and CoffeeScript Presentations
- F#unctional Londoners Jun 28th
- AppHarbor: Free Cloud Hosting of WebSharper Apps
- Progressive F# Tutorials 2012 NYC – Day 2
- Fuchu: a functional test library for .NET
- NYC Progressive F# Tutorials 2012 in Retrospect
- Progressive F# Tutorials 2012 NYC – Day 1
- 0.2.2
- F# – Combining predicates
- Iconoclasts
- FsJson – a Reasonably Complete JSON Parser in F#
- FsJson – a Reasonably Complete JSON Parser in F#
- F# Push Notification; 33K Concurrent Clients; 1 Relaxed Server
- F# Push Notification; 33K Concurrent Clients; 1 Relaxed Server
- The Mythical Enlightened Employer
- Takeaways from Gael Fraiteur’s multithreading talk
- F#/C# ASP.NET MVC 4 Template for Visual Studio 2012 RC
- F# – Speed test iter and map operations with array vs list
- Wealthy Whale is live!
- CUFP 2012 - Call for Presentations
- Web API RC Released
- Porting Clojure’s persistent data structures to .NET part 2 of n – TransientVector
- Porting Clojure’s persistent data structures to .NET part 1 of n – PersistentVector
- EuroClojure 2012 – Part 2
- DDD SouthWest 4.0 and VBUG Bristol
- EuroClojure 2012 – Part 1
- GOTO Copenhagen 2012 Conference
- NuGet BuildMagic: No Binaries in your DVCS
- Looking for technical reviewers for Expert F# 3.0
- Fog Released
- Two Books in the Making
- BATTLESHIP Jackpot Command and Celestial Simians are live!
- Come to the F# Workshop and Tutorial in Pisa, Italy, 27/28 June 2012 - "F# for Education and Innovation"
- SkillsMatter Progressive F# Tutorials, New York City, 05 June 2012
- Introducing Fog: A Library for Interacting with Azure from F#
- Performance Test – String.Contains vs String.IndexOf vs Regex.IsMatch
- Clojure at cf.Objective()?
- An F# DSL for MbUnit
- Git It Anywhere
- First-class tests in MbUnit
- Remote Debugging
- Performance-Driven Development
- Bailing on Social Networks
- The perils of conditional mutability
- R. I. P. Cousin Tony
- More fun with DateTime
- A Prettier Printer in ML
- Einstein’s Riddle and Closed Questions
- WebSharper 2.4.63
- WebSharper 2.4 Q2 available
- Cross Posted: Online Training Course for F#
- PezHack–A Functional Roguelike
- Pluralsight Online Training in F#
- F# XNA Game Ported to Windows Phone
- F# XNA Game Ported to Windows Phone
- Getting at non-public property setters in a nice way :)
- F# solutions to Google CodeJam 2012 Qualification Round Questions
- Latest FPish enhancements
- F#, MSTest, and FsUnit
- You Might As Well Use Globals
- Back to the Primitive II
- Monopoly House Party is live!
- Updated version of "TrueSkill Through Time" Bayesian Inference Code
- FW/1 (for Clojure) Updated
- More Hadoop+F# Goodness
- Force-Directed Graph Layout in HTML5 with F# and WebSharper
- 0.1.4
- WebSharper 2.4 Q2 Beta out
- Clojure 1.4.0, clj-time, congomongo
- What Microsoft MVP means to me
- Next F# New York City Meetup: Tomas Petricek on F# applications - From Domain Model to User Interface
- Back to the Primitive
- TouchDevelop, from Microsoft Research
- Is Javascript code always so full of bugs?
- F# Event Madness, Spring 2012 Edition
- World Singles is Hiring!
- Thank you
- Type initializer circular dependencies
- Realtime Programming
- 3D XNA Game in F#
- 3D XNA Game in F#
- infinite lazy-lists and folding them in f#
- F# IntelliSense Improvements in Visual Studio 11 Beta
- a simple fractal using Paper.js
- How-to: Setup your XAML-Project using multiple resource dictionaries
- WebSharper with Type Providers
- WebSharper with Type Providers
- F# solutions to Google CodeJam 2010 Qualification Round Problems
- An example of applicative validation in FSharpx
- Why The Defaults Matter
- Clojure/West 2012 Presentations
- Bug of the Day: "TH".StartsWith "Þ" = true
- Recording for my webinar with PostSharp
- A Nice Addition to the Empty WPF F# Template
- F# – How many messages can you post to a F# agent in one second?
- Statically typed access to JSON and XML by using schema inference
- Functional Fizz Buzz
- F# – Extending Discriminated Unions using marker interfaces
- Slides and Source Code for my webinar with PostSharp
- (summary :Clojure/West 2012)
- HTML5 DOM Control with WebSharper
- WPF Designer for F#
- I'm Speaking at the Big Picture Seminar at NICTA, Canberra, Tomorrow
- HTML5 Video of a Bear with WebSharper
- Next F# Seattle Meetup this Monday, March 26
- Learning HTML5 - Getting Started with WebSharper
- F# on Channel 9: Donna Malayeri - F# 3.0 - Information Rich Programming
- F# as a Platform for Quantitative Finance: Thursday, March 22, SkillsMatter, London
- F# – Serializing F# Record and Discriminated Union types
- Presentation - CoffeeScript: Good, Bold, and with Sugar
- Life in a tweet
- Diagnosing weird problems - a Stack Overflow case study
- Slides for my introductory NoSQL talk with The Developers Group
- Asynchronous client/server in F# (QCon 2012)
- Black-Scholes Taste Test
- The Tech Support Effect
- Silverlight 5: Floating Windows (WIP)
- Eduasync 20: Changes between the VS11 Preview and the Visual Studio 11 Beta
- The Functional Nature of Web API
- get test support for XUnit and NUnit in VS11 beta
- F# and ASP.NET Web API
- PostSharp webinar
- Wrapping visitors with active patterns in F#
- 0.1.3
- Algebraic data type interop: F# - C#
- Visual F# 3.0 Beta now available in Visual Studio 11!
- Subtleties in API design - member placement
- Introducing Visual F# 3.0 Beta!
- Why I Don’t Care If You Think Functional Programming Matters
- a correct ‘modulus’ for F#
- Razor Added to the F#/C# ASP.NET MVC 3 Internet Project Template
- Performance Test – Binary serializers Part III
- Dublin Gamecraft
- Static upcast in C#
- Functional Programming eXchange 2012
- Upcoming speaking engagement
- ExpectThat with CoffeeScript, Zombie, Mocha, and Node
- FSharp Dataflow agents III
- Reasons to Come to Functional Programming eXchange 2012
- F# – Simple QuickSort implementation
- You Might As Well Make All Your Class Members Public
- WebSharper 2.4.35
- Next Seattle F# Meetup, Tuesday Feb 21, 2012
- Emulating digital logic circuits in F#
- Functional Programming eXchange 2012, March 16, 2012, London
- Silverlight Context Menu Scrolling
- A basic guide to F# functional techniques part 1
- Another option for FW/1
- Getting Started with ClojureScript and jQuery (and FW/1)
- an interesting combinatorial algorithm straight from elementary-school
- todays non-BUG
- Another Way To Kick-start F# WPF Apps
- Getting Started with ClojureScript (and FW/1)
- Silverlight 5: Multiple Windows
- Encoding algebraic data types in C#
- Why do we need partial application? – Part 2 of n – Simulating type classes in C# and F#
- Currying vs partial function application
- F#/C# Contract Position for Silverlight/HTML 5 User Interface Development at Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
- Currying and uncurrying in C# and F#
- Testing a jQuery Plugin with ExpectThat and Mocha
- F# Dataflow Agents Part II
- From Iteratees to Conduits
- Silverlight 5’s ChildWindow in Multiple Windows
- My slides at recent AOP talks
- Why do we need partial application? – Part 1 of n – Fluent interfaces and piping
- Silverlight 5 Toolkit’s ContextMenu in Multiple Windows
- Partial application in F# and C#
- Undertone – Programmable music in F#
- Pseudo RealTime performance monitoring with AOP and AWS CloudWatch
- Configuring Sublime Text 2 To Work With FSharp
- Use Google Chrome to View .pdf Files
- World Singles at Clojure/West
- Error Updating Windows Live Writer 2011
- a new blog theme/design
- First F# Seattle Meetup This Saturday, Redmond
- The Chinese remainder theorem
- WebSharper Goes Green: Staph Genome Viz
- London F# Meetup Group this Thursday: Pacman Kata
- Kinect’ing with F# and XNA
- Kinect’ing with F# and XNA
- Making F# Windows Phone Development a Little Easier
- Pong
- F# 3.0 at TechDays France, Feb 7, Paris!
- F#, WebSharper, JavaScript, HTML5, Mobile etc.
- F# Dataflow Agents Part I
- F# Legacy: Test implants
- F# Training in London in January and February: Functional Programming in .NET and Real World F# Programming
- Microsoft Releases Local, Distributed and Cloud Numerics Library, with F# Samples
- Musicians, Mechanics, and Mathematicians
- Using the New Cloud Numerics Library in F#
- Eduasync part 19: ordering by completion, ahead of time...
- developerFusion Article: An Introduction to FSharpx
- Building FAKE scripts with Jenkins
- Checked context in C# and F#
- Coding in the style of Glee
- CodeMash 2012 report
- Come and work with the F# group at Microsoft Research in Cambridge!
- Some F# Programming Jobs in London
- Why do most programmers work so hard at pretending that they’re not doing math?
- F# courses and talks (Winter 2012 and beyond...)
- Speaking about "Boring Stuff" at Clojure/West
- Eduasync part 18: Changes between the Async CTP and the Visual Studio 11 Preview
- PacMan Kata
- F# equivalent of C#’s Object Initialization syntax
- WebSharper Goes Open-Source
- Moved To Octopress...
- HTTP and Functional Programming
- F# – Converting to and from Units of Measure
- Introducing ExpectThat: A CoffeeScript Assertion Library
- Wrapping Build Tasks With FSharp
- How to integrate F# and Notepad++
- Web Architecture Done Right
- back in action
- Regions and navigation bar for F# in Visual Studio
- F# – Retry workflow
- Awaiting CodeMash 2012
- A look back at 2011
- Solving F# Async.StartChild Leak: Futures
- A New Web for .NET: FubuMVC and Chad's response to AR Considered Harmful
- Symbol Interning in WebSharper 2.4
- Programming Rules Of Thumb
- F# – Define empty class, struct or interface types
- F# Frustration: More Async Memory Leaks
- Hidden Markov Models and a ‘Reactive’ Viterbi Algorithm Implementation
- Hidden Markov Models and a ‘Reactive’ Viterbi Algorithm Implementation
- Visual F#团队很高兴地宣布中国的CSDN�?�客正�?�?立
- F# – From string to byte array and back
- Announcing FsUnit 1.0
- Hacking Type Classes in F#
- F# – inline functions and member constraints
- A Simple F# DSL to Mimic XQuery and XPath
- A Simple F# DSL to Mimic XQuery and XPath
- Testing your project against multiple versions of Clojure
- Making Async 5x Faster
- toying with lazy sequences and the fixed-point combinator in F#
- a generic polynomial type in F#
- 2011 In Retrospect: A Year of Writing F# Professionally
- Fixing a hole...
- Fixing a hole…
- Performance Test – Binary serializers Part II
- Porting Bryan's Erlang Function to F#
- FunTracer: Textures and Fog
- Announcing an F# Meetup Group in Seattle
- 6 Month Contract Position at MSR Cambridge: Cross-Platform and Web-Delivered Data-Rich Programming with F# 3.0
- FunTracer: adding planes to the picture
- Coq Trivia: Dependent Pattern-Matching and Inversion
- FunTracer: reflection
- Vector Fun: projection of a vector on another
- FunTracer: specular lightning
- FunTracer: adding shadow
- Stack-Allocated Lists
- FunTracer: the first simple tracer
- Book Review: Fluent C# (Rebecca Riordan, Sams)
- FunTracer: hitting a sphere
- FunTracer: Defining the ray and viewport
- Text-based Macro System for F#
- FunTracer: Intro and let there be light
- Enhancements to FsUnit (version
- Building an ASP.NET MVC 4 Solution with F# and C#
- Raytracing side note: “almost zero�?
- Want to learn Clojure, online?
- Performance Test — SortedDictionary vs Dictionary vs Map vs Array
- Vector Fun: dot-product
- a simple vector-type in F#
- Next: Raytracing in F#
- Getting Setup for JavaScript Testing with Pavlov
- New York City F# Meetup Group: High Performance F#, in .NET and on the GPU with Jack Pappas, Tuesday, November 29, 2011, 6:30 PM
- A few FSharpx examples
- F# Math (IV.) - Writing generic numeric code
- Eduasync part 17: unit testing
- Connect4 – designing a Silverlight ViewModel
- Building F# Solutions in Visual Studio 11
- FW/1 User Manager example on Heroku
- F# Math (III.) - Defining custom numeric types
- Connect4 – implementing the representation and core mechanics in F#
- Serializable dynamic Proxies
- Eduasync part 16: Example of composition: majority voting
- Slides and Source Code for my talk with UKDG and NxtGenUG
- F# agents with timeouts
- Updates to the August 2011 F# 2.0 Compiler Code Drop
- StatFactory: FCore maths & statistics library, designed for use with F#
- Tonight at F#unctional Londoners: Byron Cook: Proving program termination with F#
- Lenses in F#
- A Pinch of CoffeeScript Sugar - Part 1
- Updates to the August 2011 F# 2.0 Compiler Code Drop
- Detecting the CPU architecture in F#
- Project Euler — Problem 65 Solution
- Project Euler — Problem 71 Solution
- F# Silverlight Library Template in Visual Studio 11
- Optimizing the Heck Out of F#: HTTP Request Parsing
- Eduasync part 15: implementing COMEFROM with a horrible hack
- Performance Test – JSON serializers Part II
- Getting Started with FW/1 in Clojure
- New F# Windows Phone Library Project Template
- Mostly Lazy - a Clojure podcast
- F# Math (II.) - Using matrices for graph algorithms
- FW/1 comes to Clojure
- F# – Adding custom indexer and slicer to your type
- An F# Web Server From Sockets and Up
- An F# Web Server From Sockets and Up
- MonoDevelop User Voice: Vote for Full F# Support
- A Coder Interview with Dan Mohl
- The Combinator Approach to Programming Domain Specific Languages with F#
- 0.1.1
- Job at MSR Cambridge: Infer.NET
- Real World Clojure - email status tracking
- F# Math (I.) - Numeric types in PowerPack
- F# Math - Numerical computing and F# PowerPack
- Progressive F# Tutorials at SkillsMatter, London, Thu-Fri This Week
- Real World Clojure - logging
- Type Systems are Asserts
- Type Systems are Asserts
- Real World Clojure - i18n resources
- Calling F# Libraries from Metro Style Apps
- Real World Clojure - SQL and noSQL
- Real World Clojure - Tooling
- Poor man's option type in C#
- Real World Clojure - HTML email generation
- F# as a Octave/Matlab replacement for Machine Learning
- Real World Clojure - XML generation
- F# as a Octave/Matlab replacement for Machine Learning
- Real World Clojure - environment control
- Real World Clojure - PowerMTA log files
- FPish now hosts blogs!
- Use F# to meet your scripting needs
- Potential Post-PhD and Internship Positions in Web-Delivered, Data-Rich Cloud Programming
- 10 reasons to use the F# runtime in your C# app
- How to let other teams at Microsoft know how they can support F# better
- Two New F# 3.0 Type Provider Related NuGet Packages
- AOP with F# — Memorization using higher-order functions
- Compatibility between 32-bit, 64-bit and “Any CPU�? .NET assemblies
- Please submit, vote on and discuss F# and Visual Studio features
- New Updates to FSharpChart!
- Some thoughts about Google’s new Dart programming language
- OOP to me means only messaging local retention...
- OOP to me means only messaging local retention…
- Iteratee in F# - Part 1
- Iteratee in F# – Part 1
- F# Performance Test — Structs vs Records
- F# — Enums vs Discriminated Unions
- F# Article Featured on Soma’s Blog!
- Planning for 2012
- Authoring Type Providers with the TypeProviderDSL from FSharpx
- Turning a continuous Twitter stream into a sequence using Seq.unfold
- Today's the day to say it.... I'm an Apple II kid
- F# 2-Year Contract Position for Biological Modelling Language Development
- The MSR Cambridge Research Games Team invite you to play Blotto
- F# presentation - F# Eye for the C# Guy
- Advice for Getting Started with F#
- MSDN Magazine Article: Authoring an F#/C# VSIX Project Template
- Introducing PreSharp
- New F#/C# ASP.NET MVC 3 Template
- Introducing PreSharp
- F# — Referential equality for tuples, discriminated unions and records
- A Simple AppSettings Type Provider
- For whom the proteins fold
- F# — Exception handling the pattern matching way!
- Transforming Large Unions in F#
- F# solution to Ayande’s tax calculation challenge
- F# — Use Discriminated Unions instead of class hierarchies
- A Faster and Leaner WebSharper 2.4 is Coming
- Microsoft: please eat some more of your WPF-flavored dog food
- Record Linkage Algorithms in F# – Extensions to Jaro-Winkler Distance (Part 3)
- F# — yield vs yield!
- F# — Record types vs classes
- Microsoft: please eat some more of your WPF-flavored dog food
- Firefox fails on nested closures at 16 layers
- F# — Pipe Forward and Pipe Backward
- Migrating from SubText to BlogEngine.NET
- Migrating from SubText to BlogEngine.NET
- Writing F# Type Providers with the F# 3.0 Developer Preview - An Introductory Guide and Samples
- WebSharper 2.3 Q3 released
- Presentation: Dialing Up with F# and Windows Phone 7
- Imperative Pseudocode to Pure Functional Algorithm with Gale-Shapely and F#
- First example of a very simple type provider
- Laptop review: Kobalt G150
- F# Type Providers - Querying StackOverflow
- WebSharper at CUFP 2011
- F# 3.0 Developer Preview Now Available!
- Advantages of CoffeeScript When Working with jQuery Templates
- Build 2011 - A quick look
- Build 2011 – A quick look
- A few thoughts on build and Windows 8
- Record Linkage in F# – Token Matching, Stable Marriages and the Gale-Shapley algorithm
- WP7 AccelerometerProxy in F#
- Functional Programming eXchange 2012: Call for abstracts
- Project Euler — Problem 59 Solution
- Project Euler — Problem 79 Solution
- Project Euler — Problem 145 Solution
- Announcing Formlets for jQuery Mobile
- Project Euler — Problem 74 Solution
- F#, RavenDB and PicoMvc – Creating an Autocomplete – The ETL
- See My Stack Overflow Dev Days Talk
- Project Euler — Problem 205 Solution
- Project Euler — Problem 85
- Project Euler — Problem 81 Solution
- Project Euler — Problem 99 Solution
- Getting Started with the F# PowerPack - Part 4
- F#, RavenDB and PicoMvc – Creating an Autocomplete – Scenario and Project Setup
- Interested in presenting at a conference on functional…
- Organizing Code Files
- Calculating when the 1000th XKCD will appear
- The iteratee is continuing to hang me up…
- Upcoming speaking engagements
- Unit Testing a jQuery Plugin with CoffeeScript and Pavlov
- Upcoming September 2011 course has been moved to 1 November 2011
- F# courses and talks (Autumn 2011)
- Adding NuGet Support to F# Interactive
- Getting Started with the F# PowerPack - Part 3
- Optimization and generics, part 2: lambda expressions and reference types
- F# and Design principles - SOLID
- F# and Design principles – SOLID
- Optimization and generics, part 1: the new() constraint (updated: now with CLR v2 results)
- DevLink: Getting Started with F# Web Development
- Understanding Monads Sample: F# Async Monad
- Getting Started with the F# PowerPack - Part 2
- Chinese Chess: An Exercise in Upgrading
- Another CoffeeScript and jQuery UI Example
- Small Revamp to and Free Chapter of Beginning F#
- Real-World F# Programming Articles now available on MSDN
- Programming with F# asynchronous sequences
- Real-World F# Articles on MSDN
- The Lazync Computation Expressions
- cfmljure updated
- WebSharper Extensions for Bing Maps 7.0 Updated
- Speaking at Stack Overflow Dev Days and Progressive F# in autumn 2011
- Understanding Monads
- TinyMCE Extension for WebSharper Released
- I'm working on a few seemingly unrelated posts...
- 0.0.5
- I’m working on a few seemingly unrelated posts…
- 0.0.4
- The Last Programming Language
- From C# to F#: A Developer's Perspective
- From C# to F#: A Developer’s Perspective
- WebSharper 2.3 - targeting enterprise applications
- WebSharper 2.3
- Re: unREST
- Google’s Multi-Language Benchmark in F#
- Color the Wind - a 2D Canvas demo with WebSharper
- Agent based scheduling
- Agent based scheduling
- Parsing PowerMTA Accounting Files
- NHTSA Ninja: Slicing and Dicing Auto Data with F#
- DIY: Exhaustiveness checking on Scala Enums
- The Frank application signature is curre…
- Announcing Four New F# Projects For Creating Web Apps
- I’ve been working on the Frank syntax lately…
- Polyglot projects?
- FAST Search for SharePoint
- WebSharper / O3D sample: Snooker game
- Safer asynchronous workflows for GUI programming
- CongoMongo & Clojure 1.3.0
- Writing non-blocking user-interfaces in F#
- O3D Extension for WebSharper available
- Agents and ObjectPools
- Agents and ObjectPools
- Rayak – looks like someone beat me to it…
- Solving Sudoku with F# and Solver Foundation
- Announcing
- Replacing Visual Studio 2010 with SharpDevelop 4.1
- Replacing Visual Studio 2010 with SharpDevelop 4.1
- To UUID or not to UUID?
- DHTMLX Touch for WebSharper available
- I haven’t had a lot of time recently to…
- Pipeline processing 3
- Pipeline processing 3
- WebSharper RC2 Extension updates
- OData from JavaScript - Netflix Genres
- Taking Computation Expressions one step further
- WebGL and glMatrix Extensions for WebSharper Released
- Having fun with HTML5 – Simple painting app using Canvas
- WebSharper 2.1 Professional RC2 released
- Bing Maps 7.0 Extension for WebSharper
- Reactive Extensions for Javascript – Observable vs ConnectableObservable
- Reactive Extensions for Javascript – Causing side effects with Do
- .NET RSAParameters endianness
- Formlets for jQuery UI available
- Beyond the Monad fashion (I.): Writing idioms in LINQ
- MonoDevelop & Teaching F# & QCon tutorial
- Reactive Extensions for Javascript – Wikipedia lookup demo
- Reactive Extensions for Javascript – Multiple observers for multiple observables
- Drag and Drop using Reactive Extensions for Javascript
- Implementing PostStart in #Akka
- WebSharper 2 Professional RC1
- Test your maths skills at the MathDOJO!
- This is exactly what I want Akka to solve
- Which do you prefer for Frank routing gist...
- State Machines...
- HTTP Parsing...
- Asynchronous I/O...
- State Machines…
- Jon Skeet's LINQ to Objects...
- Separate team quoted one man year. Took ...
- More WebSharper talks in February
- Come and see me and other F# guru’s in Seattle!
- Creating a count down meter with CSS3 and JQuery
- Sencha Touch for WebSharper available
- How to Enable Typing in Spanish
- Pipeline processing 2
- Pipeline processing 2
- Building a conversation engine with WebSharper
- The Sad State of fshtmldoc – Can We Do Better?
- Windows Phone 7 Accelerometer and F#
- Home-made Regular Expressions in F#
- New WebSharper extensions available
- WebSharper 2.1 Beta 5 available
- Pipeline processing 1
- Pipeline processing 1
- Creating a sticky note app with HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript
- Sockets and Bockets 4
- Sockets and Bockets 4
- WebSharper Sitelets Continued: Developing a Blog Service
- WebSharper sitelets: building a two-page website
- WebSharper proposal for MIX 2011
- Having fun with HTML5 — Canvas, part 5
- Having fun with HTML5 — Canvas, part 4
- Sockets and Bockets 3
- Sockets and Bockets 3
- A Simple Web Server in F#
- Closure in Javascript vs C#
- Currying and Partial Applications in F#, Javascript and C#
- Currying vs Partial Application
- Sockets and Bockets 2
- Sockets and Bockets 2
- Sockets and Bockets 1
- Sockets and Bockets 1
- JSON Processing in F#
- Creating a link swipe effect with Javascript
- Introduction
- Introduction
- New Site, new blog
- WebSharper Beta 4 released
- FSharpJump – a Visual Studio 2010 Extension for F# Outlining and Navigation
- Having fun with HTML5 — Canvas, part 3
- Javascript — Dynamically generating Accessor and Mutation methods
- Javascript — Immutable types
- Having fun with HTML5 — Canvas, part 2
- Having fun with HTML5 — Canvas, part 1
- Having fun with HTML5 — contenteditable attribute
- Having fun with HTML5 — Local Storage and Session Storage
- All #Actors in #Scala - compared
- √iktor needs your help!
- Talk: Introducing WebSharper Sitelets
- Visual Studio book with F# chapter
- Agile Platform 5.1.1
- Agile Platform 5.1.1
- WebSharper 2.0 Beta Bundle
- WebSharper 2.0 Beta2 released
- Functional Programming eXchange 2011: Programming the Web and Programming at High Speed
- Solving Sudoku Puzzles using F# and Microsoft Solver Foundation
- Hardcore Pom
- Asynchronous Serial Port Communication with F#
- F# in Education & Concurrency with Agents
- SBT-fu: Publish privately
- Dispatchers in Akka 1.0-RC1
- The Future is dead?
- Dependency Hell
- When you don't handle it
- WebSharper: integration with ASP.NET MVC
- The self matters
- Introducing WebSharper 2.0 at LWSUG
- WebSharper 2.0 Beta available
- Asynchronous C# and F# (III.): How does it work?
- Complete Graph in Silverlight
- WebSharper talk at Sinergija 2010
- Create F# Silverlight Apps from Visual Studio 2010 Shell
- Ryoushin’s 2D Area F# Silverlight Demo Updated
- Visual F# 100 Examples: Example Number 1 in Silverlight
- Performance Test — Prime numbers with LINQ vs PLINQ vs F#
- Announcing the London WebSharper User Group
- No IntelliSense for Visual Studio 2010 C++/CLI
- WebScheme
- F# Parallel Extras (II.): Agent-based blocking queue
- F# Parallel Extras (I.): Image pipeline using agents
- FAQ: How much do I need to know before I come to the dojo?
- Implementing Haskell classes in F#
- Akka 1.0-M1 is out!!
- Cheaper ThreadBasedDispatchers in Akka 1.0
- Being responsible when using tail recursion and exceptions
- The IO Monad for F#
- F# and WPF/XAML
- F# MVP Award - 2010
- iTunes via F# Interactive
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #7
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #7
- Dispatcher configuration for Akka 0.10
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #6
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #5
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #6
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #5
- Dining hakkers
- Query Zune Music Collection with F#
- WebSharper available in Visual Studio Gallery
- Expert F# 2.0 - what's new?
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #4
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #4
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #3
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #3
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #2
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #2
- F# Development and Sales Jobs in London, California, and Budapest
- Call for Presentations - CUFP 2010
- Call for Presentations - ML 2010
- WebSharper 0.4.62 is available - with dependent formlets-flowlets-third-party extensions-and more!
- Locate Me
- Hello World for Bing Maps + Silverlight + F#
- Functional Silverlight on App Engine
- Foldr or FoldBack on Infinite F# Sequences
- Generic Workflow Builders (Monads) in F#
- WGET in F#
- The Execution Speed of Early vs Late Binding in .NET
- WebSharper - Write F# and Run JavaScript
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #1
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #1
- .NET Composite Formatting with Keyword Expansion
Blog article tags
- f# × 816
- .net × 133
- c# × 129
- programming × 97
- functional × 92
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- websharper × 87
- f# 3.0 × 64
- f# weekly × 49
- javascript × 49
- fsharp programming × 41
- sockets × 38
- news:f# weekly × 35
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- saea × 31
- silverlight × 31
- f# user groups × 28
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- html5 × 17
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- domain specific languages × 5
- dynamics nav 2009 × 5
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- fake - f# make × 5
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- skillsmatter × 5
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- tools × 5
- try f# × 5
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- mvc 3 × 4
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- algorithms × 3
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- information-rich programming × 3
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- visual studio 11 developer preview × 2
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- entity resolution × 1
- enum × 1
- euroclojure × 1
- exhaustive × 1
- expression-oriented × 1
- expressions × 1
- extension methods × 1
- extensions × 1
- extjs × 1
- f# agents × 1
- f# android × 1
- f# applications × 1
- f# async × 1
- f# cross platform × 1
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- f# forums × 1
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- functional-first × 1
- × 1
- functions × 1
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- futures × 1
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- × 1
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- macros × 1
- mail × 1
- many core × 1
- map reduce × 1
- mapreduce × 1
- maps × 1
- numerics × 1
- mathematik × 1
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- matlab type provider × 1
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- meta blog × 1
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- polynomials × 1
- pom × 1
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- professional f# 2.0 × 1
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- projects × 1
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- psw × 1
- public key × 1
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- qcon nyc × 1
- qcon nyc 2013 × 1
- quote × 1
- r type provider × 1
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- raid5 × 1
- recursion × 1
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- replacing × 1
- resources × 1
- restricted edit distance × 1
- reviewer × 1
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- scalability × 1
- scalaz × 1
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- scikit-learn × 1
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- sencha touch × 1
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- shellscripting × 1
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- snap × 1
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- social network analysis × 1
- solid × 1
- sorryaboutthe49ers × 1
- speaking × 1
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- talburt × 1
- talks × 1
- tasks × 1
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- termination proofs × 1
- terminator × 1
- test driven design × 1
- test implants × 1
- threadbaseddispatcher × 1
- tidepowerd × 1
- time × 1
- token alignment × 1
- touchdevelop × 1
- training × 1
- trueskill × 1
- try f# 3.0 × 1
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- tutorial × 1
- tutorials × 1
- type safety × 1
- typescirpt × 1
- unhandled × 1
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- user × 1
- visual f#团队很高兴地宣布中国的csdn�?�客正�?�?立 × 1
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- xamarin studio × 1
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- × 1
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